Source code for

"""Buffers to store NumPy arrays and transitions in."""

import dataclasses
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3.common import vec_env

from import types

[docs]def num_samples(data: Mapping[Any, np.ndarray]) -> int: """Computes the number of samples contained in `data`. Args: data: A Mapping from keys to NumPy arrays. Returns: The unique length of the first dimension of arrays contained in `data`. Raises: ValueError: The length is not unique. """ n_samples_list = [arr.shape[0] for arr in data.values()] n_samples_np = np.unique(n_samples_list) if len(n_samples_np) > 1: raise ValueError("Keys map to different length values.") return int(n_samples_np[0])
[docs]class Buffer: """A FIFO ring buffer for NumPy arrays of a fixed shape and dtype. Supports random sampling with replacement. """ capacity: int """The number of data samples that can be stored in this buffer.""" sample_shapes: Mapping[str, Tuple[int, ...]] """The shapes of each data sample stored in this buffer.""" _arrays: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] """The underlying NumPy arrays (which actually store the data).""" _n_data: int """The number of samples currently stored in this buffer. An integer in `range(0, self.capacity + 1)`. This attribute is the return value of `self.size()`. """ _idx: int """The index of the first row that new data should be written to. An integer in `range(0, self.capacity)`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, capacity: int, sample_shapes: Mapping[str, Tuple[int, ...]], dtypes: Mapping[str, np.dtype], ): """Constructs a Buffer. Args: capacity: The number of samples that can be stored. sample_shapes: A dictionary mapping string keys to the shape of samples associated with that key. dtypes (`np.dtype`-like): A dictionary mapping string keys to the dtype of samples associated with that key. Raises: KeyError: `sample_shapes` and `dtypes` have different keys. """ if sample_shapes.keys() != dtypes.keys(): raise KeyError("sample_shape and dtypes keys don't match") self.capacity = capacity self.sample_shapes = {k: tuple(shape) for k, shape in sample_shapes.items()} self._arrays = { k: np.zeros((capacity,) + shape, dtype=dtypes[k]) for k, shape in self.sample_shapes.items() } self._n_data = 0 self._idx = 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_data( cls, data: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], capacity: Optional[int] = None, truncate_ok: bool = False, ) -> "Buffer": """Constructs and return a Buffer containing the provided data. Shapes and dtypes are automatically inferred. Args: data: A dictionary mapping keys to data arrays. The arrays may differ in their shape, but should agree in the first axis. capacity: The Buffer capacity. If not provided, then this is automatically set to the size of the data, so that the returned Buffer is at full capacity. truncate_ok: Whether to error if `capacity` < the number of samples in `data`. If False, then only store the last `capacity` samples from `data` when overcapacity. Examples: In the follow examples, suppose the arrays in `data` are length-1000. `Buffer` with same capacity as arrays in `data`:: Buffer.from_data(data) `Buffer` with larger capacity than arrays in `data`:: Buffer.from_data(data, 10000) `Buffer with smaller capacity than arrays in `data`. Without `truncate_ok=True`, `from_data` will error:: Buffer.from_data(data, 5, truncate_ok=True) Returns: Buffer of specified `capacity` containing provided `data`. Raises: ValueError: `data` is empty. ValueError: `data` has items mapping to arrays differing in the length of their first axis. """ data_capacities_list = [arr.shape[0] for arr in data.values()] data_capacities = np.unique(data_capacities_list) if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("No keys in data.") if len(data_capacities) > 1: raise ValueError("Keys map to different length values") if capacity is None: capacity = data_capacities[0] sample_shapes = {k: arr.shape[1:] for k, arr in data.items()} dtypes = {k: arr.dtype for k, arr in data.items()} buf = cls(capacity, sample_shapes, dtypes), truncate_ok=truncate_ok) return buf
[docs] def store(self, data: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], truncate_ok: bool = False) -> None: """Stores new data samples, replacing old samples with FIFO priority. Args: data: A dictionary mapping keys `k` to arrays with shape `(n_samples,) + self.sample_shapes[k]`, where `n_samples` is less than or equal to `self.capacity`. truncate_ok: If False, then error if the length of `transitions` is greater than `self.capacity`. Otherwise, store only the final `self.capacity` transitions. Raises: ValueError: `data` is empty. ValueError: If `n_samples` is greater than `self.capacity`. ValueError: data is the wrong shape. """ expected_keys = set(self.sample_shapes.keys()) missing_keys = expected_keys.difference(data.keys()) unexpected_keys = set(data.keys()).difference(expected_keys) if len(missing_keys) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Missing keys {missing_keys}") if len(unexpected_keys) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected keys {unexpected_keys}") n_samples = num_samples(data) if n_samples == 0: raise ValueError("Trying to store empty data.") if n_samples > self.capacity: if not truncate_ok: raise ValueError("Not enough capacity to store data.") else: data = {k: arr[-self.capacity :] for k, arr in data.items()} for k, arr in data.items(): if arr.shape[1:] != self.sample_shapes[k]: raise ValueError(f"Wrong data shape for {k}") new_idx = self._idx + n_samples if new_idx > self.capacity: n_remain = self.capacity - self._idx # Need to loop around the buffer. Break into two "easy" calls. self._store_easy({k: arr[:n_remain] for k, arr in data.items()}) assert self._idx == 0 self._store_easy({k: arr[n_remain:] for k, arr in data.items()}) else: self._store_easy(data)
def _store_easy(self, data: Mapping[str, np.ndarray]) -> None: """Stores new data samples, replacing old samples with FIFO priority. Requires that `size(data) <= self.capacity - self._idx`, where `size(data)` is the number of rows in every array in `data.values()`. Updates `self._idx` to be the insertion point of the next call to `_store_easy` call, looping back to `self._idx = 0` if necessary. Also updates `self._n_data`. Args: data: Same as in ``'s docstring, except with the additional constraint `size(data) <= self.capacity - self._idx`. """ n_samples = num_samples(data) assert n_samples <= self.capacity - self._idx idx_hi = self._idx + n_samples for k, arr in data.items(): self._arrays[k][self._idx : idx_hi] = arr self._idx = idx_hi % self.capacity self._n_data = min(self._n_data + n_samples, self.capacity)
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples: int) -> Mapping[str, np.ndarray]: """Uniformly sample `n_samples` samples from the buffer with replacement. Args: n_samples: The number of samples to randomly sample. Returns: samples (np.ndarray): An array with shape `(n_samples) + self.sample_shape`. Raises: ValueError: The buffer is empty. """ if self.size() == 0: raise ValueError("Buffer is empty") ind = np.random.randint(self.size(), size=n_samples) return {k: buffer[ind] for k, buffer in self._arrays.items()}
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """Returns the number of samples stored in the buffer.""" assert 0 <= self._n_data <= self.capacity return self._n_data
[docs]class ReplayBuffer: """Buffer for Transitions.""" capacity: int """The number of data samples that can be stored in this buffer."""
[docs] def __init__( self, capacity: int, venv: Optional[vec_env.VecEnv] = None, *, obs_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, act_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, obs_dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, act_dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, ): """Constructs a ReplayBuffer. Args: capacity: The number of samples that can be stored. venv: The environment whose action and observation spaces can be used to determine the data shapes of the underlying buffers. Mutually exclusive with shape and dtype arguments. obs_shape: The shape of the observation space. act_shape: The shape of the action space. obs_dtype: The dtype of the observation space. act_dtype: The dtype of the action space. Raises: ValueError: Couldn't infer the observation and action shapes and dtypes from the arguments. ValueError: Specified both venv and shapes/dtypes. """ params = (obs_shape, act_shape, obs_dtype, act_dtype) if venv is not None: if not all(x is None for x in params): raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both shape/dtype and also environment.", ) obs_shape = tuple(venv.observation_space.shape) act_shape = tuple(venv.action_space.shape) obs_dtype = venv.observation_space.dtype act_dtype = venv.action_space.dtype else: if any(x is None for x in params): raise ValueError("Shape or dtype missing and no environment specified.") assert obs_shape is not None assert act_shape is not None assert obs_dtype is not None assert act_dtype is not None self.capacity = capacity sample_shapes = { "obs": obs_shape, "acts": act_shape, "next_obs": obs_shape, "dones": (), "infos": (), } dtypes = { "obs": obs_dtype, "acts": act_dtype, "next_obs": obs_dtype, "dones": np.dtype(bool), "infos": np.dtype(object), } self._buffer = Buffer(capacity, sample_shapes=sample_shapes, dtypes=dtypes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data( cls, transitions: types.Transitions, capacity: Optional[int] = None, truncate_ok: bool = False, ) -> "ReplayBuffer": """Construct and return a ReplayBuffer containing the provided data. Shapes and dtypes are automatically inferred, and the returned ReplayBuffer is ready for sampling. Args: transitions: Transitions to store. capacity: The ReplayBuffer capacity. If not provided, then this is automatically set to the size of the data, so that the returned Buffer is at full capacity. truncate_ok: Whether to error if `capacity` < the number of samples in `data`. If False, then only store the last `capacity` samples from `data` when overcapacity. Examples: `ReplayBuffer` with same capacity as arrays in `data`:: ReplayBuffer.from_data(data) `ReplayBuffer` with larger capacity than arrays in `data`:: ReplayBuffer.from_data(data, 10000) `ReplayBuffer with smaller capacity than arrays in `data`. Without `truncate_ok=True`, `from_data` will error:: ReplayBuffer.from_data(data, 5, truncate_ok=True) Returns: A new ReplayBuffer. """ obs_shape = transitions.obs.shape[1:] act_shape = transitions.acts.shape[1:] if capacity is None: capacity = transitions.obs.shape[0] instance = cls( capacity=capacity, obs_shape=obs_shape, act_shape=act_shape, obs_dtype=transitions.obs.dtype, act_dtype=transitions.acts.dtype, ), truncate_ok=truncate_ok) return instance
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples: int) -> types.Transitions: """Sample obs-act-obs triples. Args: n_samples: The number of samples. Returns: A Transitions named tuple containing n_samples transitions. """ sample = self._buffer.sample(n_samples) return types.Transitions(**sample)
[docs] def store(self, transitions: types.Transitions, truncate_ok: bool = True) -> None: """Store obs-act-obs triples. Args: transitions: Transitions to store. truncate_ok: If False, then error if the length of `transitions` is greater than `self.capacity`. Otherwise, store only the final `self.capacity` transitions. Raises: ValueError: The arguments didn't have the same length. """ # noqa: DAR402 trans_dict = dataclasses.asdict(transitions) # Remove unnecessary fields trans_dict = {k: trans_dict[k] for k in self._buffer.sample_shapes.keys()}, truncate_ok=truncate_ok)
[docs] def size(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the number of samples stored in the buffer.""" return self._buffer.size()