Source code for imitation.util.logger

"""Logging for quantitative metrics and free-form text."""

import contextlib
import datetime
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import stable_baselines3.common.logger as sb_logger

from import types
from imitation.util import util

[docs]def make_output_format( _format: str, log_dir: str, log_suffix: str = "", max_length: int = 50, ) -> sb_logger.KVWriter: """Returns a logger for the requested format. Args: _format: the requested format to log to ('stdout', 'log', 'json' or 'csv' or 'tensorboard'). log_dir: the logging directory. log_suffix: the suffix for the log file. max_length: the maximum length beyond which the keys get truncated. Returns: the logger. """ os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) if _format == "stdout": return sb_logger.HumanOutputFormat(sys.stdout, max_length=max_length) elif _format == "log": return sb_logger.HumanOutputFormat( os.path.join(log_dir, f"log{log_suffix}.txt"), max_length=max_length, ) else: return sb_logger.make_output_format(_format, log_dir, log_suffix)
def _build_output_formats( folder: pathlib.Path, format_strs: Sequence[str], ) -> Sequence[sb_logger.KVWriter]: """Build output formats for initializing a Stable Baselines Logger. Args: folder: Path to directory that logs are written to. format_strs: A list of output format strings. For details on available output formats see `stable_baselines3.logger.make_output_format`. Returns: A list of output formats, one corresponding to each `format_strs`. """ folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output_formats: List[sb_logger.KVWriter] = [] for f in format_strs: if f == "wandb": output_formats.append(WandbOutputFormat()) else: output_formats.append(make_output_format(f, str(folder))) return output_formats
[docs]class HierarchicalLogger(sb_logger.Logger): """A logger supporting contexts for accumulating mean values. `self.accumulate_means` creates a context manager. While in this context, values are loggged to a sub-logger, with only mean values recorded in the top-level (root) logger. >>> import tempfile >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir: ... logger: HierarchicalLogger = configure(dir, ('log',)) ... # record the key value pair (loss, 1.0) to path `dir` ... # at step 1. ... logger.record("loss", 1.0) ... logger.dump(step=1) ... with logger.accumulate_means("dataset"): ... # record the key value pair `("raw/dataset/entropy", 5.0)` to path ... # `dir/raw/dataset` at step 100 ... logger.record("entropy", 5.0) ... logger.dump(step=100) ... # record the key value pair `("raw/dataset/entropy", 6.0)` to path ... # `dir/raw/dataset` at step 200 ... logger.record("entropy", 6.0) ... logger.dump(step=200) ... # record the key value pair `("mean/dataset/entropy", 5.5)` to path ... # `dir` at step 1. ... logger.dump(step=1) ... with logger.add_accumulate_prefix("foo"), logger.accumulate_means("bar"): ... # record the key value pair ("raw/foo/bar/biz", 42.0) to path ... # `dir/raw/foo/bar` at step 2000 ... logger.record("biz", 42.0) ... logger.dump(step=2000) ... # record the key value pair `("mean/foo/bar/biz", 42.0)` to path ... # `dir` at step 1. ... logger.dump(step=1) ... with open(os.path.join(dir, 'log.txt')) as f: ... print( ------------------- | loss | 1 | ------------------- --------------------------------- | mean/ | | | dataset/entropy | 5.5 | --------------------------------- ----------------------------- | mean/ | | | foo/bar/biz | 42 | ----------------------------- <BLANKLINE> """ default_logger: sb_logger.Logger current_logger: Optional[sb_logger.Logger] _cached_loggers: Dict[str, sb_logger.Logger] _accumulate_prefixes: List[str] _key_prefixes: List[str] _subdir: Optional[str] _name: Optional[str] format_strs: Sequence[str]
[docs] def __init__( self, default_logger: sb_logger.Logger, format_strs: Sequence[str] = ("stdout", "log", "csv"), ): """Builds HierarchicalLogger. Args: default_logger: The default logger when not in an `accumulate_means` context. Also the logger to which mean values are written to after exiting from a context. format_strs: A list of output format strings that should be used by every Logger initialized by this class during an `AccumulatingMeans` context. For details on available output formats see `stable_baselines3.logger.make_output_format`. """ self.default_logger = default_logger self.current_logger = None self._cached_loggers = {} self._accumulate_prefixes = [] self._key_prefixes = [] self._subdir = None self._name = None self.format_strs = format_strs super().__init__(folder=self.default_logger.dir, output_formats=[])
def _update_name_to_maps(self) -> None: self.name_to_value = self._logger.name_to_value self.name_to_count = self._logger.name_to_count self.name_to_excluded = self._logger.name_to_excluded
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def add_accumulate_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Add a prefix to the subdirectory used to accumulate means. This prefix only applies when a `accumulate_means` context is active. If there are multiple active prefixes, then they are concatenated. Args: prefix: The prefix to add to the named sub. Yields: None when the context manager is entered Raises: RuntimeError: if accumulate means context is already active. """ if self.current_logger is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot add prefix when accumulate_means context is already active.", ) try: self._accumulate_prefixes.append(prefix) yield finally: self._accumulate_prefixes.pop()
[docs] def get_accumulate_prefixes(self) -> str: prefixes = "/".join(self._accumulate_prefixes) return prefixes + "/" if prefixes else ""
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def add_key_prefix(self, prefix: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Add a prefix to the keys logged during an accumulate_means context. This prefix only applies when a `accumulate_means` context is active. If there are multiple active prefixes, then they are concatenated. Args: prefix: The prefix to add to the keys. Yields: None when the context manager is entered Raises: RuntimeError: if accumulate means context is already active. """ if self.current_logger is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot add key prefix when accumulate_means context is not active.", ) try: self._key_prefixes.append(prefix) yield finally: self._key_prefixes.pop()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def accumulate_means(self, name: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Temporarily modifies this HierarchicalLogger to accumulate means values. Within this context manager, ``self.record(key, value)`` writes the "raw" values in ``f"{self.default_logger.log_dir}/[{accumulate_prefix}/]{name}"`` under the key ``"raw/[{accumulate_prefix}/]{name}/[{key_prefix}/]{key}"``, where ``accumulate_prefix`` is the concatenation of all prefixes added by ``add_accumulate_prefix`` and ``key_prefix`` is the concatenation of all prefixes added by ``add_key_prefix``, if any. At the same time, any call to ``self.record`` will also accumulate mean values on the default logger by calling:: self.default_logger.record_mean( f"mean/[{accumulate_prefix}/]{name}/[{key_prefix}/]{key}", value, ) Multiple prefixes may be active at once. In this case the `prefix` is simply the concatenation of each of the active prefixes in the order they were created e.g. if the active prefixes are ``['foo', 'bar']`` then the prefix is ``'foo/bar'``. After the context exits, calling ``self.dump()`` will write the means of all the "raw" values accumulated during this context to ``self.default_logger`` under keys of the form ``mean/{prefix}/{name}/{key}`` Note that the behavior of other logging methods, ``log`` and ``record_mean`` are unmodified and will go straight to the default logger. Args: name: A string key which determines the ``folder`` where raw data is written and temporary logging prefixes for raw and mean data. Entering an `accumulate_means` context in the future with the same `subdir` will safely append to logs written in this folder rather than overwrite. Yields: None when the context is entered. Raises: RuntimeError: If this context is entered into while already in an `accumulate_means` context. """ if self.current_logger is not None: raise RuntimeError("Nested `accumulate_means` context") subdir = os.path.join(*self._accumulate_prefixes, name) if subdir in self._cached_loggers: logger = self._cached_loggers[subdir] else: default_logger_dir = self.default_logger.dir assert default_logger_dir is not None folder = util.parse_path(default_logger_dir) / "raw" / subdir folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_formats = _build_output_formats(folder, self.format_strs) logger = sb_logger.Logger(str(folder), list(output_formats)) self._cached_loggers[subdir] = logger try: self.current_logger = logger self._subdir = subdir self._name = name self._update_name_to_maps() yield finally: self.current_logger = None self._subdir = None self._name = None self._update_name_to_maps()
[docs] def record(self, key, val, exclude=None): if self.current_logger is not None: # In accumulate_means context. assert self._subdir is not None raw_key = "/".join( [ "raw", *self._accumulate_prefixes, self._name, *self._key_prefixes, key, ], ) self.current_logger.record(raw_key, val, exclude) mean_key = "/".join( [ "mean", *self._accumulate_prefixes, self._name, *self._key_prefixes, key, ], ) self.default_logger.record_mean(mean_key, val, exclude) else: # Not in accumulate_means context. self.default_logger.record(key, val, exclude)
@property def _logger(self): if self.current_logger is not None: return self.current_logger else: return self.default_logger
[docs] def dump(self, step=0): self._logger.dump(step)
[docs] def get_dir(self) -> str: return self._logger.get_dir()
[docs] def log(self, *args, **kwargs): self.default_logger.log(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_level(self, level: int) -> None: self.default_logger.set_level(level)
[docs] def record_mean(self, key, val, exclude=None): self.default_logger.record_mean(key, val, exclude)
[docs] def close(self): self.default_logger.close() for logger in self._cached_loggers.values(): logger.close()
[docs]class WandbOutputFormat(sb_logger.KVWriter): """A stable-baseline logger that writes to wandb. Users need to call `wandb.init()` before initializing `WandbOutputFormat`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an instance of WandbOutputFormat. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: wandb is not installed. """ try: import wandb except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Trying to log data with `WandbOutputFormat` " "but `wandb` not installed: try `pip install wandb`.", ) from e self.wandb_module = wandb
[docs] def write( self, key_values: Dict[str, Any], key_excluded: Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]], step: int = 0, ) -> None: for (key, value), (key_ex, excluded) in zip( sorted(key_values.items()), sorted(key_excluded.items()), ): assert key == key_ex, f"key mismatch between {key} and {key_ex}." if excluded is not None and "wandb" in excluded: continue self.wandb_module.log({key: value}, step=step) self.wandb_module.log({}, commit=True)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.wandb_module.finish()
[docs]def configure( folder: Optional[types.AnyPath] = None, format_strs: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> HierarchicalLogger: """Configure Stable Baselines logger to be `accumulate_means()`-compatible. After this function is called, `stable_baselines3.logger.{configure,reset}()` are replaced with stubs that raise RuntimeError. Args: folder: Argument from `stable_baselines3.logger.configure`. format_strs: An list of output format strings. For details on available output formats see `stable_baselines3.logger.make_output_format`. Returns: The configured HierarchicalLogger instance. """ if folder is None: tempdir = util.parse_path(tempfile.gettempdir()) now = timestamp = now.strftime("imitation-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f") folder = tempdir / timestamp else: folder = util.parse_path(folder) if format_strs is None: format_strs = ["stdout", "log", "csv"] output_formats = _build_output_formats(folder, format_strs) default_logger = sb_logger.Logger(str(folder), list(output_formats)) hier_format_strs = [f for f in format_strs if f != "wandb"] hier_logger = HierarchicalLogger(default_logger, hier_format_strs) return hier_logger