
Utilities to parse sacred run directories.


find_sacred_runs(run_path[, only_completed_runs])

Recursively iterates the sacred runs found below the given path.

group_runs_by_algo_and_env(path[, ...])

Groups the runs found below the given path by algorithm and environment.

imitation.util.sacred_file_parsing.find_sacred_runs(run_path, only_completed_runs=False)[source]#

Recursively iterates the sacred runs found below the given path.

Assumes runs in the format of the sacred FileStorageObserver: each run consists of a folder that contains a config.json and a run.json file.

Note: will work with nested directories and can therefore be applied to the output/sacred folder of the command line interface which creates sub-folders for each script.

  • run_path (Path) – The path to search for sacred run directories.

  • only_completed_runs (bool) – If True, only yields runs that have a run.json file with status “COMPLETED”.


Tuples of (config, run) dicts.

Return type

Generator[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]], None, None]

imitation.util.sacred_file_parsing.group_runs_by_algo_and_env(path, only_completed_runs=False)[source]#

Groups the runs found below the given path by algorithm and environment.

Access all the runs of algorithm algo and environment env via runs_by_algo_and_env[algo][env].

  • path (Path) – The path to search for sacred run directories.

  • only_completed_runs (bool) – If True, only yields runs that have a run.json file with status “COMPLETED”.

Return type

Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]]


A dictionary mapping algorithms to environments to lists of runs.