Reward Networks#

The goal of both inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithms (e.g. AIRL, GAIL) and preference comparison is to discover a reward function. In imitation learning, these discovered rewards are parameterized by reward networks.

Reward Network API#

Reward networks need to support two separate but equally important modes of operation. First, these networks need to produce a reward that can be differentiated and used for training the reward network. These rewards are provided by the forward method. Second, these networks need to produce a reward that can be used for training policies. These rewards are provided by the predict_processed method, which applies additional post-processing that is unhelpful during reward network training.

Reward Network Architecture#

In imitation learning, reward networks are torch.nn.Module. Out of the box, imitation provides a few reward network architectures such as multi-layer perceptron BasicRewardNet and a convolutional neural net CNNRewardNet. To implement your own custom reward network, you can subclass RewardNet.

from imitation.rewards.reward_nets import RewardNet
import torch as th

class MyRewardNet(RewardNet):
    def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space):
        super().__init__(observation_space, action_space)
        # initialize your custom reward network here

    def forward(self,
        state: th.Tensor, # (batch_size, *obs_shape)
        action: th.Tensor, # (batch_size, *action_shape)
        next_state: th.Tensor, # (batch_size, *obs_shape)
        done: th.Tensor, # (batch_size,)
    ) -> th.Tensor:
        # implement your custom reward network here
        return th.zeros_like(done) # (batch_size,)

Replace an Environment’s Reward with a Reward Network#

In order to use a reward network to train a policy, we need to integrate it into an environment. This is done by wrapping the environment in a RewardVecEnvWrapper. This wrapper replaces the environment’s reward function with the reward network’s function.

from imitation.util import util
from imitation.rewards.reward_wrapper import RewardVecEnvWrapper
from imitation.rewards.reward_nets import BasicRewardNet

reward_net = BasicRewardNet(obs_space, action_space)
venv = util.make_vec_env("Pendulum-v1", n_envs=3, rng=rng)
venv = RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_net.predict_processed)

Reward Network Wrappers#

Imitation learning algorithms should converge to a reward function that will theoretically induce the optimal or soft-optimal policy. However, these reward functions may not always be well suited for training RL agents, or we may want to modify them to encourage exploration, for instance.

There are two types of wrapper:

  • ForwardWrapper allows for direct modification of the results of the reward network’s forward method. It is used during the learning of the reward network and thus must be differentiable. These wrappers are always applied first and are thus take effect regardless of weather you call forward, predict or predict_processed. They are used for applying transformations like potential shaping (see ShapedRewardNet).

  • PredictProcessedWrapper modifies the predict_processed call to the reward network. Thus this type of reward network wrapper is designed to only modify the reward when it is being used to train/evaluate a policy but not when we are taking gradients on it. Thus it does not have to be differentiable.

The most commonly used is the NormalizedRewardNet which is a predict procssed wrapper. This class uses a normalization layer to standardize the output of the reward function using its running mean and variance, which is useful for stabilizing training. When a reward network is saved, its wrappers are saved along with it, so that the normalization fit during reward learning can be used during future policy learning or evaluation.

from imitation.rewards.reward_nets import NormalizedRewardNet
from imitation.util.networks import RunningNorm
train_reward_net = NormalizedRewardNet(


The reward normalization wrapper does _not_ function identically to stable baselines3’s VecNormalize environment wrapper. First, it does not normalize the observations. Second, unlike VecNormalize, it scales and centers the reward using the base rewards’s mean and variance. The VecNormalizes scales the reward down using a running estimate of the _return_.

By default, the normalization wrapper updates the normalization on each call to predict_processed. This behavior can be altered as shown below.

from functools import partial
eval_rew_fn = partial(reward_net.predict_processed, update_stats=False)

Serializing and Deserializing Reward Networks#

Reward networks, wrappers included, are serialized simply by calling, path).

However, when evaluating reward networks, we may or may not want to include the wrappers it was trained with. To load the reward network just as it was saved, wrappers included, we can simply call th.load(path). When using a learned reward network to train or evaluate a policy, we can select whether or not to include the reward network wrappers and convert it into a function using the load_reward utility. For example, we might want to remove or keep the reward normalization fit during training in the evaluation phase.

import torch as th
from imitation.rewards.serialize import load_reward
from imitation.rewards.reward_nets import NormalizedRewardNet, path)
train_reward_net = th.load(path)
# We can also load the reward network as a reward function for use in evaluation
eval_rew_fn_normalized = load_reward(reward_type="RewardNet_normalized", reward_path=path, venv=venv)
eval_rew_fn_unnormalized = load_reward(reward_type="RewardNet_unnormalized", reward_path=path, venv=venv)
# If we want to continue to update the reward networks normalization by default it is frozen for evaluation and retraining
rew_fn_normalized = load_reward(reward_type="RewardNet_normalized", reward_path=path, venv=venv, update_stats=True)