Developer Guide#

This guide explains the library structure of imitation. The code is organized such that logically similar files are grouped into a subpackage. We maintain the following subpackages in src/imitation:

  • algorithms: the core implementation of imitation and reward learning algorithms.

  • data: modules to collect, store and manipulate transitions and trajectories from RL environments.

  • envs: provides test environments.

  • policies: provides modules that define policies and methods to manipulate them (e.g., serialization).

  • regularization: implements a variety of regularization techniques for NN weights.

  • rewards: modules to build, serialize and preprocess neural network based reward functions.

  • scripts: command-line scripts for running experiments through Sacred.

  • util: provides utility functions like logging, configurations, etc.


The imitation.algorithms.base module defines the following two classes:

  • BaseImitationAlgorithm: Base class for all imitation algorithms.

  • DemonstrationAlgorithm: Base class for all demonstration-based algorithms like BC, IRL, etc. This class subclasses BaseImitationAlgorithm.
    Demonstration algorithms offer the following methods and properties:
    • policy property that returns a policy imitating the demonstration data.

    • set_demonstrations method that sets the demonstrations data for learning.

All of the algorithms provide the train method for training an agent and/or a reward network.

All the available algorithms are present in algorithms/ with each algorithm in a distinct file. Adversarial algorithms like AIRL and GAIL are present in algorithms/adversarial.


Modules handling environment data.

For example: types for transitions/trajectories; methods to compute rollouts; buffers to store transitions; helpers for these modules.

data.wrapper.BufferingWrapper: Wraps a vectorized environment VecEnv to save the trajectories from all the environments in a buffer.

data.wrapper.RolloutInfoWrapper: Wraps a gym.Env environment to log the original observations and rewards received from the environment. The observations and rewards of the entire episode are logged in the info dictionary with the key "rollout", in the final time step of the episode. This wrapper is useful for saving rollout trajectories, especially in cases where you want to bypass the reward and/or observation overrides from other wrappers. See data.rollout.unwrap_traj for details and scripts/ for an example use case.

data.rollout.rollout: Generates rollout by taking in any policy as input along with the environment.


The imitation.policies subpackage contains the following modules:

  • policies.base: defines commonly used policies across the library like FeedForward32Policy, SAC1024Policy, NormalizeFeaturesExtractor, etc.

  • policies.exploration_wrapper: defines the ExplorationWrapper class that wraps a policy to create a partially randomized policy useful for exploration.

  • policies.replay_buffer_wrapper: defines the ReplayBufferRewardWrapper to wrap a replay buffer that returns transitions with rewards specified by a reward function.

  • policies.serialize: defines various functions to save and load serialized policies from the disk or the Hugging Face hub.


The imitation.regularization subpackage provides an API for creating neural network regularizers. It provides classes such as regularizers.LpRegularizer and regularizers.WeightDecayRegularizer to regularize the loss function and the weights of a network, respectively. The updaters.IntervalParamScaler class also provides support to scale the lambda hyperparameter of a regularizer up when the ratio of validation to training loss is above an upper bound, and scales it down when the ratio drops below a lower bound.


The imitation.rewards subpackage contains code related to building, serializing, and loading reward networks. Some of the classes include:

  • rewards.reward_nets.RewardNet: is the base reward network class. Reward networks can take state, action, and the next state as input to predict the reward. The forward method is used while training the network, whereas the predict method is used during evaluation.

  • rewards.reward_nets.BasicRewardNet: builds a MLP reward network.

  • rewards.reward_nets.CnnRewardNet: builds a CNN based reward network.

  • rewards.reward_nets.RewardEnsemble: builds an ensemble of reward networks.

  • rewards.reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper: This class wraps a VecEnv with a custom RewardFn. The default reward function of the environment is overridden with the passed reward function, and the original rewards are stored in the info_dict with the original_env_rew key. This class is used to override the original reward function of an environment with a learned reward function from the reward learning algorithms like preference comparisons.

The imitation.rewards.serialize module contains functions to load serialized reward functions.

For more see the Reward Networks Tutorial.


We use Sacred to provide a command-line interface to run the experiments. The scripts to run the end-to-end experiments are available in scripts/. You can take a look at the following doc links to understand how to use Sacred:


imitation.util.logger.HierarchicalLogger: A logger that supports contexts for accumulating the mean of values of all the logged keys. The logger internally maintains one separate stable_baselines3.common.logger.Logger object for logging the mean values, and one Logger object for the raw values for each context. The accumulate_means context cannot be called inside an already open accumulate_means context. The imitation.util.logger.configure function can be used to easily construct a HierarchicalLogger object.

imitation.util.networks: This module provides some additional neural network layers that can be used for imitation like RunningNorm and EMANorm that normalize their inputs. The module also provides functions like build_mlp and build_cnn to quickly build neural networks.

imitation.util.util: This module provides miscellaneous util functions like make_vec_env to easily construct vectorized environments and safe_to_tensor that converts a NumPy array to a PyTorch tensor.

imitation.util.video_wrapper.VideoWrapper: A wrapper to record rendered videos from an environment.