Source code for imitation.algorithms.adversarial.airl

"""Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning (AIRL)."""
from typing import Optional

import torch as th
from stable_baselines3.common import base_class, policies, vec_env
from stable_baselines3.sac import policies as sac_policies

from imitation.algorithms import base
from imitation.algorithms.adversarial import common
from imitation.rewards import reward_nets

STOCHASTIC_POLICIES = (sac_policies.SACPolicy, policies.ActorCriticPolicy)

[docs]class AIRL(common.AdversarialTrainer): """Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning (`AIRL`_). .. _AIRL: """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, demonstrations: base.AnyTransitions, demo_batch_size: int, venv: vec_env.VecEnv, gen_algo: base_class.BaseAlgorithm, reward_net: reward_nets.RewardNet, **kwargs, ): """Builds an AIRL trainer. Args: demonstrations: Demonstrations from an expert (optional). Transitions expressed directly as a `types.TransitionsMinimal` object, a sequence of trajectories, or an iterable of transition batches (mappings from keywords to arrays containing observations, etc). demo_batch_size: The number of samples in each batch of expert data. The discriminator batch size is twice this number because each discriminator batch contains a generator sample for every expert sample. venv: The vectorized environment to train in. gen_algo: The generator RL algorithm that is trained to maximize discriminator confusion. Environment and logger will be set to `venv` and `custom_logger`. reward_net: Reward network; used as part of AIRL discriminator. **kwargs: Passed through to `AdversarialTrainer.__init__`. Raises: TypeError: If `gen_algo.policy` does not have an `evaluate_actions` attribute (present in `ActorCriticPolicy`), needed to compute log-probability of actions. """ super().__init__( demonstrations=demonstrations, demo_batch_size=demo_batch_size, venv=venv, gen_algo=gen_algo, reward_net=reward_net, **kwargs, ) # AIRL needs a policy from STOCHASTIC_POLICIES to compute discriminator output. if not isinstance(self.gen_algo.policy, STOCHASTIC_POLICIES): raise TypeError( "AIRL needs a stochastic policy to compute the discriminator output.", )
[docs] def logits_expert_is_high( self, state: th.Tensor, action: th.Tensor, next_state: th.Tensor, done: th.Tensor, log_policy_act_prob: Optional[th.Tensor] = None, ) -> th.Tensor: r"""Compute the discriminator's logits for each state-action sample. In Fu's AIRL paper (, the discriminator output was given as .. math:: D_{\theta}(s,a) = \frac{ \exp{r_{\theta}(s,a)} } { \exp{r_{\theta}(s,a)} + \pi(a|s) } with a high value corresponding to the expert and a low value corresponding to the generator. In other words, the discriminator output is the probability that the action is taken by the expert rather than the generator. The logit of the above is given as .. math:: \operatorname{logit}(D_{\theta}(s,a)) = r_{\theta}(s,a) - \log{ \pi(a|s) } which is what is returned by this function. Args: state: The state of the environment at the time of the action. action: The action taken by the expert or generator. next_state: The state of the environment after the action. done: whether a `terminal state` (as defined under the MDP of the task) has been reached. log_policy_act_prob: The log probability of the action taken by the generator, :math:`\log{ \pi(a|s) }`. Returns: The logits of the discriminator for each state-action sample. Raises: TypeError: If `log_policy_act_prob` is None. """ if log_policy_act_prob is None: raise TypeError( "Non-None `log_policy_act_prob` is required for this method.", ) reward_output_train = self._reward_net(state, action, next_state, done) return reward_output_train - log_policy_act_prob
@property def reward_train(self) -> reward_nets.RewardNet: return self._reward_net @property def reward_test(self) -> reward_nets.RewardNet: """Returns the unshaped version of reward network used for testing.""" reward_net = self._reward_net # Recursively return the base network of the wrapped reward net while isinstance(reward_net, reward_nets.RewardNetWrapper): reward_net = reward_net.base return reward_net