Source code for

"""Methods to collect, analyze and manipulate transition and trajectory rollouts."""

import collections
import dataclasses
import logging
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces
from stable_baselines3.common.base_class import BaseAlgorithm
from stable_baselines3.common.policies import BasePolicy
from stable_baselines3.common.utils import check_for_correct_spaces
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecEnv

from import types

[docs]def unwrap_traj(traj: types.TrajectoryWithRew) -> types.TrajectoryWithRew: """Uses `RolloutInfoWrapper`-captured `obs` and `rews` to replace fields. This can be useful for bypassing other wrappers to retrieve the original `obs` and `rews`. Fails if `infos` is None or if the trajectory was generated from an environment without Args: traj: A trajectory generated from `RolloutInfoWrapper`-wrapped Environments. Returns: A copy of `traj` with replaced `obs` and `rews` fields. Raises: ValueError: If `traj.infos` is None """ if traj.infos is None: raise ValueError("Trajectory must have infos to unwrap") ep_info = traj.infos[-1]["rollout"] res = dataclasses.replace(traj, obs=ep_info["obs"], rews=ep_info["rews"]) assert len(res.obs) == len(res.acts) + 1 assert len(res.rews) == len(res.acts) return res
[docs]class TrajectoryAccumulator: """Accumulates trajectories step-by-step. Useful for collecting completed trajectories while ignoring partially-completed trajectories (e.g. when rolling out a VecEnv to collect a set number of transitions). Each in-progress trajectory is identified by a 'key', which enables several independent trajectories to be collected at once. They key can also be left at its default value of `None` if you only wish to collect one trajectory. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialise the trajectory accumulator.""" self.partial_trajectories = collections.defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add_step( self, step_dict: Mapping[str, Union[types.Observation, Mapping[str, Any]]], key: Hashable = None, ) -> None: """Add a single step to the partial trajectory identified by `key`. Generally a single step could correspond to, e.g., one environment managed by a VecEnv. Args: step_dict: dictionary containing information for the current step. Its keys could include any (or all) attributes of a `TrajectoryWithRew` (e.g. "obs", "acts", etc.). key: key to uniquely identify the trajectory to append to, if working with multiple partial trajectories. """ self.partial_trajectories[key].append(step_dict)
[docs] def finish_trajectory( self, key: Hashable, terminal: bool, ) -> types.TrajectoryWithRew: """Complete the trajectory labelled with `key`. Args: key: key uniquely identifying which in-progress trajectory to remove. terminal: trajectory has naturally finished (i.e. includes terminal state). Returns: traj: list of completed trajectories popped from `self.partial_trajectories`. """ part_dicts = self.partial_trajectories[key] del self.partial_trajectories[key] out_dict_unstacked = collections.defaultdict(list) for part_dict in part_dicts: for k, array in part_dict.items(): out_dict_unstacked[k].append(array) out_dict_stacked = { k: types.stack_maybe_dictobs(arr_list) for k, arr_list in out_dict_unstacked.items() } traj = types.TrajectoryWithRew(**out_dict_stacked, terminal=terminal) assert traj.rews.shape[0] == traj.acts.shape[0] == len(traj.obs) - 1 return traj
[docs] def add_steps_and_auto_finish( self, acts: np.ndarray, obs: Union[types.Observation, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], rews: np.ndarray, dones: np.ndarray, infos: List[dict], ) -> List[types.TrajectoryWithRew]: """Calls `add_step` repeatedly using acts and the returns from `venv.step`. Also automatically calls `finish_trajectory()` for each `done == True`. Before calling this method, each environment index key needs to be initialized with the initial observation (usually from `venv.reset()`). See the body of `util.rollout.generate_trajectory` for an example. Args: acts: Actions passed into `VecEnv.step()`. obs: Return value from `VecEnv.step(acts)`. rews: Return value from `VecEnv.step(acts)`. dones: Return value from `VecEnv.step(acts)`. infos: Return value from `VecEnv.step(acts)`. Returns: A list of completed trajectories. There should be one trajectory for each `True` in the `dones` argument. """ trajs: List[types.TrajectoryWithRew] = [] wrapped_obs = types.maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(obs) # iterate through environments for env_idx in range(len(wrapped_obs)): assert env_idx in self.partial_trajectories assert list(self.partial_trajectories[env_idx][0].keys()) == ["obs"], ( "Need to first initialize partial trajectory using " "self._traj_accum.add_step({'obs': ob}, key=env_idx)" ) # iterate through steps zip_iter = enumerate(zip(acts, wrapped_obs, rews, dones, infos)) for env_idx, (act, ob, rew, done, info) in zip_iter: if done: # When dones[i] from VecEnv.step() is True, obs[i] is the first # observation following reset() of the ith VecEnv, and # infos[i]["terminal_observation"] is the actual final observation. real_ob = types.maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(info["terminal_observation"]) else: real_ob = ob self.add_step( dict( acts=act, rews=rew, # this is not the obs corresponding to `act`, but rather the obs # *after* `act` (see above) obs=real_ob, infos=info, ), env_idx, ) if done: # finish env_idx-th trajectory new_traj = self.finish_trajectory(env_idx, terminal=True) trajs.append(new_traj) # When done[i] from VecEnv.step() is True, obs[i] is the first # observation following reset() of the ith VecEnv. self.add_step(dict(obs=ob), env_idx) return trajs
GenTrajTerminationFn = Callable[[Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]], bool]
[docs]def make_min_episodes(n: int) -> GenTrajTerminationFn: """Terminate after collecting n episodes of data. Args: n: Minimum number of episodes of data to collect. May overshoot if two episodes complete simultaneously (unlikely). Returns: A function implementing this termination condition. """ assert n >= 1 return lambda trajectories: len(trajectories) >= n
[docs]def make_min_timesteps(n: int) -> GenTrajTerminationFn: """Terminate at the first episode after collecting n timesteps of data. Args: n: Minimum number of timesteps of data to collect. May overshoot to nearest episode boundary. Returns: A function implementing this termination condition. """ assert n >= 1 def f(trajectories: Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]): timesteps = sum(len(t.obs) - 1 for t in trajectories) return timesteps >= n return f
[docs]def make_sample_until( min_timesteps: Optional[int] = None, min_episodes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> GenTrajTerminationFn: """Returns a termination condition sampling for a number of timesteps and episodes. Args: min_timesteps: Sampling will not stop until there are at least this many timesteps. min_episodes: Sampling will not stop until there are at least this many episodes. Returns: A termination condition. Raises: ValueError: Neither of n_timesteps and n_episodes are set, or either are non-positive. """ if min_timesteps is None and min_episodes is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of min_timesteps and min_episodes needs to be non-None", ) conditions = [] if min_timesteps is not None: if min_timesteps <= 0: raise ValueError( f"min_timesteps={min_timesteps} if provided must be positive", ) conditions.append(make_min_timesteps(min_timesteps)) if min_episodes is not None: if min_episodes <= 0: raise ValueError( f"min_episodes={min_episodes} if provided must be positive", ) conditions.append(make_min_episodes(min_episodes)) def sample_until(trajs: Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]) -> bool: for cond in conditions: if not cond(trajs): return False return True return sample_until
# A PolicyCallable is a function that takes an array of observations, an optional # array of states, and an optional array of episode starts and returns an array of # corresponding actions. PolicyCallable = Callable[ [ Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], # observations Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]], # states Optional[np.ndarray], # episode_starts ], Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]], # actions, states ] AnyPolicy = Union[BaseAlgorithm, BasePolicy, PolicyCallable, None]
[docs]def policy_to_callable( policy: AnyPolicy, venv: VecEnv, deterministic_policy: bool = False, ) -> PolicyCallable: """Converts any policy-like object into a function from observations to actions.""" get_actions: PolicyCallable if policy is None: def get_actions( observations: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], states: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]], episode_starts: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]]: acts = [venv.action_space.sample() for _ in range(len(observations))] return np.stack(acts, axis=0), None elif isinstance(policy, (BaseAlgorithm, BasePolicy)): # There's an important subtlety here: BaseAlgorithm and BasePolicy # are themselves Callable (which we check next). But in their case, # we want to use the .predict() method, rather than __call__() # (which would call .forward()). So this elif clause must come first! def get_actions( observations: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], states: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]], episode_starts: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]]: assert isinstance(policy, (BaseAlgorithm, BasePolicy)) # pytype doesn't seem to understand that policy is a BaseAlgorithm # or BasePolicy here, rather than a Callable (acts, states) = policy.predict( # pytype: disable=attribute-error observations, state=states, episode_start=episode_starts, deterministic=deterministic_policy, ) return acts, states elif callable(policy): # When a policy callable is passed, by default we will use it directly. # We are not able to change the determinism of the policy when it is a # callable that only takes in the states. if deterministic_policy: raise ValueError( "Cannot set deterministic_policy=True when policy is a callable, " "since deterministic_policy argument is ignored.", ) get_actions = policy else: raise TypeError( "Policy must be None, a stable-baselines policy or algorithm, " f"or a Callable, got {type(policy)} instead", ) if isinstance(policy, BaseAlgorithm): # Check that the observation and action spaces of policy and environment match try: check_for_correct_spaces( venv, policy.observation_space, policy.action_space, ) except ValueError as e: # Check for a particularly common mistake when using image environments. venv_obs_shape = venv.observation_space.shape assert policy.observation_space is not None policy_obs_shape = policy.observation_space.shape assert venv_obs_shape is not None assert policy_obs_shape is not None if len(venv_obs_shape) != 3 or len(policy_obs_shape) != 3: raise e venv_obs_rearranged = ( venv_obs_shape[2], venv_obs_shape[0], venv_obs_shape[1], ) if venv_obs_rearranged != policy_obs_shape: raise e raise ValueError( "Policy and environment observation shape mismatch. " "This is likely caused by " " " "If encountering this from rollout.rollout, try calling:\n" "rollout.rollout(expert, expert.get_env(), ...) instead of\n" "rollout.rollout(expert, env, ...)\n\n" f"Policy observation shape: {policy_obs_shape} \n" f"Environment observation shape: {venv_obs_shape}", ) return get_actions
[docs]def generate_trajectories( policy: AnyPolicy, venv: VecEnv, sample_until: GenTrajTerminationFn, rng: np.random.Generator, *, deterministic_policy: bool = False, ) -> Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]: """Generate trajectory dictionaries from a policy and an environment. Args: policy: Can be any of the following: 1) A stable_baselines3 policy or algorithm trained on the gym environment. 2) A Callable that takes an ndarray of observations and returns an ndarray of corresponding actions. 3) None, in which case actions will be sampled randomly. venv: The vectorized environments to interact with. sample_until: A function determining the termination condition. It takes a sequence of trajectories, and returns a bool. Most users will want to use one of `min_episodes` or `min_timesteps`. deterministic_policy: If True, asks policy to deterministically return action. Note the trajectories might still be non-deterministic if the environment has non-determinism! rng: used for shuffling trajectories. Returns: Sequence of trajectories, satisfying `sample_until`. Additional trajectories may be collected to avoid biasing process towards short episodes; the user should truncate if required. """ get_actions = policy_to_callable(policy, venv, deterministic_policy) # Collect rollout tuples. trajectories = [] # accumulator for incomplete trajectories trajectories_accum = TrajectoryAccumulator() obs = venv.reset() assert isinstance( obs, (np.ndarray, dict), ), "Tuple observations are not supported." wrapped_obs = types.maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(obs) # we use dictobs to iterate over the envs in a vecenv for env_idx, ob in enumerate(wrapped_obs): # Seed with first obs only. Inside loop, we'll only add second obs from # each (s,a,r,s') tuple, under the same "obs" key again. That way we still # get all observations, but they're not duplicated into "next obs" and # "previous obs" (this matters for, e.g., Atari, where observations are # really big). trajectories_accum.add_step(dict(obs=ob), env_idx) # Now, we sample until `sample_until(trajectories)` is true. # If we just stopped then this would introduce a bias towards shorter episodes, # since longer episodes are more likely to still be active, i.e. in the process # of being sampled from. To avoid this, we continue sampling until all epsiodes # are complete. # # To start with, all environments are active. active = np.ones(venv.num_envs, dtype=bool) state = None dones = np.zeros(venv.num_envs, dtype=bool) while np.any(active): # policy gets unwrapped observations (eg as dict, not dictobs) acts, state = get_actions(obs, state, dones) obs, rews, dones, infos = venv.step(acts) assert isinstance( obs, (np.ndarray, dict), ), "Tuple observations are not supported." wrapped_obs = types.maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(obs) # If an environment is inactive, i.e. the episode completed for that # environment after `sample_until(trajectories)` was true, then we do # *not* want to add any subsequent trajectories from it. We avoid this # by just making it never done. dones &= active new_trajs = trajectories_accum.add_steps_and_auto_finish( acts, wrapped_obs, rews, dones, infos, ) trajectories.extend(new_trajs) if sample_until(trajectories): # Termination condition has been reached. Mark as inactive any # environments where a trajectory was completed this timestep. active &= ~dones # Note that we just drop partial trajectories. This is not ideal for some # algos; e.g. BC can probably benefit from partial trajectories, too. # Each trajectory is sampled i.i.d.; however, shorter episodes are added to # `trajectories` sooner. Shuffle to avoid bias in order. This is important # when callees end up truncating the number of trajectories or transitions. # It is also cheap, since we're just shuffling pointers. rng.shuffle(trajectories) # type: ignore[arg-type] # Sanity checks. for trajectory in trajectories: n_steps = len(trajectory.acts) # extra 1 for the end if isinstance(venv.observation_space, spaces.Dict): exp_obs = {} for k, v in venv.observation_space.items(): assert v.shape is not None exp_obs[k] = (n_steps + 1,) + v.shape else: obs_space_shape = venv.observation_space.shape assert obs_space_shape is not None exp_obs = (n_steps + 1,) + obs_space_shape # type: ignore[assignment] real_obs = trajectory.obs.shape assert real_obs == exp_obs, f"expected shape {exp_obs}, got {real_obs}" assert venv.action_space.shape is not None exp_act = (n_steps,) + venv.action_space.shape real_act = trajectory.acts.shape assert real_act == exp_act, f"expected shape {exp_act}, got {real_act}" exp_rew = (n_steps,) real_rew = trajectory.rews.shape assert real_rew == exp_rew, f"expected shape {exp_rew}, got {real_rew}" return trajectories
[docs]def rollout_stats( trajectories: Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew], ) -> Mapping[str, float]: """Calculates various stats for a sequence of trajectories. Args: trajectories: Sequence of trajectories. Returns: Dictionary containing `n_traj` collected (int), along with episode return statistics (keys: `{monitor_,}return_{min,mean,std,max}`, float values) and trajectory length statistics (keys: `len_{min,mean,std,max}`, float values). `return_*` values are calculated from environment rewards. `monitor_*` values are calculated from Monitor-captured rewards, and are only included if the `trajectories` contain Monitor infos. """ assert len(trajectories) > 0 out_stats: Dict[str, float] = {"n_traj": len(trajectories)} traj_descriptors = { "return": np.asarray([sum(t.rews) for t in trajectories]), "len": np.asarray([len(t.rews) for t in trajectories]), } monitor_ep_returns = [] for t in trajectories: if t.infos is not None: ep_return = t.infos[-1].get("episode", {}).get("r") if ep_return is not None: monitor_ep_returns.append(ep_return) if monitor_ep_returns: # Note monitor_ep_returns[i] may be from a different episode than ep_return[i] # since we skip episodes with None infos. This is OK as we only return summary # statistics, but you cannot e.g. compute the correlation between ep_return and # monitor_ep_returns. traj_descriptors["monitor_return"] = np.asarray(monitor_ep_returns) # monitor_return_len may be < n_traj when infos is sometimes missing out_stats["monitor_return_len"] = len(traj_descriptors["monitor_return"]) stat_names = ["min", "mean", "std", "max"] for desc_name, desc_vals in traj_descriptors.items(): for stat_name in stat_names: stat_value: np.generic = getattr(np, stat_name)(desc_vals) # Convert numpy type to float or int. The numpy operators always return # a numpy type, but we want to return type float. (int satisfies # float type for the purposes of static-typing). out_stats[f"{desc_name}_{stat_name}"] = stat_value.item() for v in out_stats.values(): assert isinstance(v, (int, float)) return out_stats
[docs]def flatten_trajectories( trajectories: Iterable[types.Trajectory], ) -> types.Transitions: """Flatten a series of trajectory dictionaries into arrays. Args: trajectories: list of trajectories. Returns: The trajectories flattened into a single batch of Transitions. """ def all_of_type(key, desired_type): return all( isinstance(getattr(traj, key), desired_type) for traj in trajectories ) assert all_of_type("obs", types.DictObs) or all_of_type("obs", np.ndarray) assert all_of_type("acts", np.ndarray) # mypy struggles without Any annotation here. # The necessary constraints are enforced above. keys = ["obs", "next_obs", "acts", "dones", "infos"] parts: Mapping[str, List[Any]] = {key: [] for key in keys} for traj in trajectories: parts["acts"].append(traj.acts) obs = traj.obs parts["obs"].append(obs[:-1]) parts["next_obs"].append(obs[1:]) dones = np.zeros(len(traj.acts), dtype=bool) dones[-1] = traj.terminal parts["dones"].append(dones) if traj.infos is None: infos = np.array([{}] * len(traj)) else: infos = traj.infos parts["infos"].append(infos) cat_parts = { key: types.concatenate_maybe_dictobs(part_list) for key, part_list in parts.items() } lengths = set(map(len, cat_parts.values())) assert len(lengths) == 1, f"expected one length, got {lengths}" return types.Transitions(**cat_parts)
[docs]def flatten_trajectories_with_rew( trajectories: Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew], ) -> types.TransitionsWithRew: transitions = flatten_trajectories(trajectories) rews = np.concatenate([traj.rews for traj in trajectories]) return types.TransitionsWithRew( **types.dataclass_quick_asdict(transitions), rews=rews, )
[docs]def generate_transitions( policy: AnyPolicy, venv: VecEnv, n_timesteps: int, rng: np.random.Generator, *, truncate: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> types.TransitionsWithRew: """Generate obs-action-next_obs-reward tuples. Args: policy: Can be any of the following: - A stable_baselines3 policy or algorithm trained on the gym environment - A Callable that takes an ndarray of observations and returns an ndarray of corresponding actions - None, in which case actions will be sampled randomly venv: The vectorized environments to interact with. n_timesteps: The minimum number of timesteps to sample. rng: The random state to use for sampling trajectories. truncate: If True, then drop any additional samples to ensure that exactly `n_timesteps` samples are returned. **kwargs: Passed-through to generate_trajectories. Returns: A batch of Transitions. The length of the constituent arrays is guaranteed to be at least `n_timesteps` (if specified), but may be greater unless `truncate` is provided as we collect data until the end of each episode. """ traj = generate_trajectories( policy, venv, sample_until=make_min_timesteps(n_timesteps), rng=rng, **kwargs, ) transitions = flatten_trajectories_with_rew(traj) if truncate and n_timesteps is not None: as_dict = types.dataclass_quick_asdict(transitions) truncated = {k: arr[:n_timesteps] for k, arr in as_dict.items()} transitions = types.TransitionsWithRew(**truncated) return transitions
[docs]def rollout( policy: AnyPolicy, venv: VecEnv, sample_until: GenTrajTerminationFn, rng: np.random.Generator, *, unwrap: bool = True, exclude_infos: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]: """Generate policy rollouts. This method is a wrapper of generate_trajectories that allows the user to additionally replace the rewards and observations with the original values if the environment is wrapped, to exclude the infos from the trajectories, and to print summary statistics of the rollout. The `.infos` field of each Trajectory is set to `None` to save space. Args: policy: Can be any of the following: 1) A stable_baselines3 policy or algorithm trained on the gym environment. 2) A Callable that takes an ndarray of observations and returns an ndarray of corresponding actions. 3) None, in which case actions will be sampled randomly. venv: The vectorized environments. sample_until: End condition for rollout sampling. rng: Random state to use for sampling. unwrap: If True, then save original observations and rewards (instead of potentially wrapped observations and rewards) by calling `unwrap_traj()`. exclude_infos: If True, then exclude `infos` from pickle by setting this field to None. Excluding `infos` can save a lot of space during pickles. verbose: If True, then print out rollout stats before saving. **kwargs: Passed through to `generate_trajectories`. Returns: Sequence of trajectories, satisfying `sample_until`. Additional trajectories may be collected to avoid biasing process towards short episodes; the user should truncate if required. """ trajs = generate_trajectories( policy, venv, sample_until, rng=rng, **kwargs, ) if unwrap: trajs = [unwrap_traj(traj) for traj in trajs] if exclude_infos: trajs = [dataclasses.replace(traj, infos=None) for traj in trajs] if verbose: stats = rollout_stats(trajs)"Rollout stats: {stats}") return trajs
[docs]def discounted_sum(arr: np.ndarray, gamma: float) -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: """Calculate the discounted sum of `arr`. If `arr` is an array of rewards, then this computes the return; however, it can also be used to e.g. compute discounted state occupancy measures. Args: arr: 1 or 2-dimensional array to compute discounted sum over. Last axis is timestep, from current time step (first) to last timestep (last). First axis (if present) is batch dimension. gamma: the discount factor used. Returns: The discounted sum over the timestep axis. The first timestep is undiscounted, i.e. we start at gamma^0. """ # We want to calculate sum_{t = 0}^T gamma^t r_t, which can be # interpreted as the polynomial sum_{t = 0}^T r_t x^t # evaluated at x=gamma. # Compared to first computing all the powers of gamma, then # multiplying with the `arr` values and then summing, this method # should require fewer computations and potentially be more # numerically stable. assert arr.ndim in (1, 2) if gamma == 1.0: return arr.sum(axis=0) else: return np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(gamma, arr)