Source code for

"""Types and helper methods for transitions and trajectories."""

import collections
import dataclasses
import itertools
import numbers
import os
import warnings
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import torch as th
from torch.utils import data as th_data

T = TypeVar("T")

AnyPath = Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]
AnyTensor = Union[np.ndarray, th.Tensor]
TensorVar = TypeVar("TensorVar", np.ndarray, th.Tensor)

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class DictObs: """Stores observations from an environment with a dictionary observation space. Provides an interface that is similar to observations in a numpy array. Length, slicing, indexing, and iterating operations will operate on the first dimension of the constituent arrays, as they would for observations in a single array. There are also utility functions for mapping / stacking / concatenating lists of dictobs. """ _d: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
[docs] @classmethod def from_obs_list(cls, obs_list: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]) -> "DictObs": """Stacks the observation list into a single DictObs.""" return cls.stack(map(cls, obs_list))
def __post_init__(self): if not all( isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, numbers.Number)) for v in self._d.values() ): raise TypeError("Values must be NumPy arrays") def __len__(self): """Returns the first dimension of constituent arrays. Only defined if there is at least one array, and all arrays have the same length of first dimension. Otherwise raises ValueError. Len of a DictObs usually represents number of timesteps, or number of environments in a VecEnv. Use `dict_len` to get the number of entries in the dictionary. Raises: RuntimeError: if the arrays have different lengths or there are no arrays. Returns: The length (first dimension) of the constituent arrays """ lens = set(len(v) for v in self._d.values()) if len(lens) == 1: return lens.pop() elif len(lens) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Length not defined as DictObs is empty") else: raise RuntimeError( f"Length not defined; arrays have conflicting first dimensions: {lens}", ) @property def dict_len(self): """Returns the number of arrays in the DictObs.""" return len(self._d) def __getitem__( self, key: Union[int, slice, Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...]], ) -> "DictObs": """Indexes or slices each array. See `.get` for accessing a value from the underlying dictionary. Note that it will still return singleton values as np.arrays, not scalars, to be consistent with DictObs type signature. Args: key: a single slice Returns: A new DictObj object with each array indexed. """ # asarray handles case where we slice to a single array element. return self.__class__({k: np.asarray(v[key]) for k, v in self._d.items()}) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["DictObs"]: """Iterates over the first dimension of each array. Raises: ValueError if len() is not defined. Returns: Iterator of dictobjs by first dimension. """ return (self[i] for i in range(len(self))) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if not self.keys() == other.keys(): return False return all(np.array_equal(self.get(k), other.get(k)) for k in self.keys()) @property def shape(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]: """Returns a dictionary with shape-tuples in place of the arrays.""" return {k: v.shape for k, v in self.items()} @property def dtype(self) -> Dict[str, np.dtype]: """Returns a dictionary with dtype-tuples in place of the arrays.""" return {k: v.dtype for k, v in self.items()}
[docs] def keys(self): return self._d.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self._d.values()
[docs] def items(self): return self._d.items()
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._d
[docs] def get(self, key: str) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the array for the given key, or raises KeyError.""" return self._d[key]
[docs] def unwrap(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Returns a copy of the underlying dictionary (arrays are not copied).""" return dict(self._d)
[docs] def map_arrays(self, fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) -> "DictObs": """Returns a new DictObs with `fn` applied to every array.""" return self.__class__({k: fn(v) for k, v in self.items()})
@staticmethod def _unravel(dictobs_list: Iterable["DictObs"]) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """Converts a list of DictObs into a dictionary of lists of arrays.""" it1, it2 = itertools.tee(dictobs_list) # assert all have same keys key_set = set(frozenset(obs.keys()) for obs in it1) if len(key_set) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty list of DictObs") if not len(key_set) == 1: raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent keys: {key_set}") unraveled: Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]] = collections.defaultdict(list) for ob_dict in it2: for k, array in ob_dict._d.items(): unraveled[k].append(array) return unraveled
[docs] @classmethod def stack(cls, dictobs_list: Iterable["DictObs"], axis=0) -> "DictObs": """Returns a single dictobs stacking the arrays by key.""" return cls( { k: np.stack(arr_list, axis=axis) for k, arr_list in cls._unravel(dictobs_list).items() }, )
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, dictobs_list: Iterable["DictObs"], axis=0) -> "DictObs": """Returns a single dictobs concatenating the arrays by key.""" return cls( { k: np.concatenate(arr_list, axis=axis) for k, arr_list in cls._unravel(dictobs_list).items() }, )
# DictObs utilities Observation = Union[np.ndarray, DictObs] ObsVar = TypeVar("ObsVar", np.ndarray, DictObs)
[docs]def assert_not_dictobs(x: Observation) -> np.ndarray: """Typeguard to assert `x` is an array, not a DictObs.""" assert not isinstance(x, DictObs), "Dictionary observations are not supported here." return x
[docs]def concatenate_maybe_dictobs(arrs: List[ObsVar]) -> ObsVar: """Concatenates a list of observations appropriately (depending on type).""" assert len(arrs) > 0 if isinstance(arrs[0], DictObs): return DictObs.concatenate(arrs) else: return np.concatenate(arrs)
[docs]def stack_maybe_dictobs(arrs: List[ObsVar]) -> ObsVar: """Stacks a list of observations appropriately (depending on type).""" assert len(arrs) > 0 if isinstance(arrs[0], DictObs): return DictObs.stack(arrs) else: return np.stack(arrs)
# the following overloads have a type error as a DictObs matches both definitions, but # the return types are incompatible. Ideally T would exclude DictObs but that's not # possible. @overload def maybe_unwrap_dictobs( # type: ignore[misc] maybe_dictobs: DictObs, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: ... @overload def maybe_unwrap_dictobs(maybe_dictobs: T) -> T: ...
[docs]def maybe_unwrap_dictobs(maybe_dictobs): """Unwraps if a DictObs, otherwise returns the object.""" if isinstance(maybe_dictobs, DictObs): return maybe_dictobs.unwrap() else: if not isinstance(maybe_dictobs, (np.ndarray, th.Tensor, int)): warnings.warn(f"trying to unwrap object of type {type(maybe_dictobs)}") return maybe_dictobs
@overload def maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(obs: Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], DictObs]) -> DictObs: ... @overload def maybe_wrap_in_dictobs(obs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs]def maybe_wrap_in_dictobs( obs: Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray, DictObs], ) -> Observation: """Converts an observation into a DictObs, if necessary.""" if isinstance(obs, dict): return DictObs(obs) else: if not isinstance(obs, (np.ndarray, DictObs, float, int)): warnings.warn(f"tried to wrap {type(obs)} as an observation") return obs
[docs]def map_maybe_dict(fn, maybe_dict): """Either maps fn over dictionary values or applies fn to `maybe_dict`. Args: fn: function to apply. Must take a single argument. maybe_dict: either a dict or a value that can be passed to fn. Returns: Either a dict (if maybe_dict was a dict) or `fn(maybe_dict)`. """ if isinstance(maybe_dict, dict): return {k: fn(v) for k, v in maybe_dict.items()} else: return fn(maybe_dict)
[docs]class TransitionMappingNoNextObs(TypedDict): """Dictionary with `obs` and `acts`.""" obs: Union[Observation, th.Tensor] acts: AnyTensor
# inheritance with total=False so these are not required
[docs]class TransitionMapping(TransitionMappingNoNextObs, total=False): """Dictionary with `obs` and `acts`, maybe also `next_obs`, `dones`, `rew`.""" next_obs: Union[Observation, th.Tensor] dones: AnyTensor rew: AnyTensor
[docs]def dataclass_quick_asdict(obj) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Extract dataclass to items using `dataclasses.fields` + dict comprehension. This is a quick alternative to `dataclasses.asdict`, which expensively and undocumentedly deep-copies every numpy array value. See This is also used to preserve DictObj objects, as `dataclasses.asdict` unwraps them recursively. Args: obj: A dataclass instance. Returns: A dictionary mapping from `obj` field names to values. """ d = { getattr(obj, for f in dataclasses.fields(obj)} return d
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Trajectory: """A trajectory, e.g. a one episode rollout from an expert policy.""" obs: Observation """Observations, shape (trajectory_len + 1, ) + observation_shape.""" acts: np.ndarray """Actions, shape (trajectory_len, ) + action_shape.""" infos: Optional[np.ndarray] """An array of info dicts, shape (trajectory_len, ). The info dict is returned by some environments `step()` and contains auxiliary diagnostic information. For example the monitor wrapper adds an info dict to the last step of each episode containing the episode return and length. """ terminal: bool """Does this trajectory (fragment) end in a terminal state? Episodes are always terminal. Trajectory fragments are also terminal when they contain the final state of an episode (even if missing the start of the episode). """ def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns number of transitions, equal to the number of actions.""" return len(self.acts) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Trajectory): return False dict_self = dataclass_quick_asdict(self) dict_other = dataclass_quick_asdict(other) # Trajectory objects may still have different keys if different subclasses if dict_self.keys() != dict_other.keys(): return False if len(self) != len(other): # Short-circuit: if trajectories are of different length, then unequal. # Redundant as later checks would catch this, but speeds up common case. return False for k, self_v in dict_self.items(): other_v = dict_other[k] if k == "infos": # Treat None equivalent to sequence of empty dicts self_v = [{}] * len(self) if self_v is None else self_v other_v = [{}] * len(other) if other_v is None else other_v if isinstance(self_v, DictObs): if not self_v == other_v: return False if not np.array_equal(self_v, other_v): return False return True def __post_init__(self): """Performs input validation: check shapes are as specified in docstring.""" if len(self.obs) != len(self.acts) + 1: raise ValueError( "expected one more observations than actions: " f"{len(self.obs)} != {len(self.acts)} + 1", ) if self.infos is not None and len(self.infos) != len(self.acts): raise ValueError( "infos when present must be present for each action: " f"{len(self.infos)} != {len(self.acts)}", ) if len(self.acts) == 0: raise ValueError("Degenerate trajectory: must have at least one action.") def __setstate__(self, state): if "terminal" not in state: warnings.warn( "Loading old version of Trajectory." "Support for this will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, ) state["terminal"] = True self.__dict__.update(state)
def _rews_validation(rews: np.ndarray, acts: np.ndarray): if rews.shape != (len(acts),): raise ValueError( "rewards must be 1D array, one entry for each action: " f"{rews.shape} != ({len(acts)},)", ) if not np.issubdtype(rews.dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError(f"rewards dtype {rews.dtype} not a float")
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False) class TrajectoryWithRew(Trajectory): """A `Trajectory` that additionally includes reward information.""" rews: np.ndarray """Reward, shape (trajectory_len, ). dtype float.""" def __post_init__(self): """Performs input validation, including for rews.""" super().__post_init__() _rews_validation(self.rews, self.acts)
Pair = Tuple[T, T] TrajectoryPair = Pair[Trajectory] TrajectoryWithRewPair = Pair[TrajectoryWithRew]
[docs]def transitions_collate_fn( batch: Sequence[Mapping[str, np.ndarray]], ) -> Mapping[str, AnyTensor]: """Custom `` collate_fn for `TransitionsMinimal`. Use this as the `collate_fn` argument to `DataLoader` if using an instance of `TransitionsMinimal` as the `dataset` argument. Args: batch: The batch to collate. Returns: A collated batch. Uses Torch's default collate function for everything except the "infos" key. For "infos", we join all the info dicts into a list of dicts. (The default behavior would recursively collate every info dict into a single dict, which is incorrect.) """ batch_acts_and_dones = [ {k: np.array(v) for k, v in sample.items() if k in ["acts", "dones"]} for sample in batch ] result = th_data.dataloader.default_collate(batch_acts_and_dones) assert isinstance(result, dict) result["infos"] = [sample["infos"] for sample in batch] result["obs"] = stack_maybe_dictobs([sample["obs"] for sample in batch]) result["next_obs"] = stack_maybe_dictobs([sample["next_obs"] for sample in batch]) return result
TransitionsMinimalSelf = TypeVar("TransitionsMinimalSelf", bound="TransitionsMinimal")
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class TransitionsMinimal(th_data.Dataset, Sequence[Mapping[str, np.ndarray]]): """A Torch-compatible `Dataset` of obs-act transitions. This class and its subclasses are usually instantiated via ``. Indexing an instance `trans` of TransitionsMinimal with an integer `i` returns the `i`th `Dict[str, np.ndarray]` sample, whose keys are the field names of each dataclass field and whose values are the ith elements of each field value. Slicing returns a possibly empty instance of `TransitionsMinimal` where each field has been sliced. """ obs: Observation """ Previous observations. Shape: (batch_size, ) + observation_shape. The i'th observation `obs[i]` in this array is the observation seen by the agent when choosing action `acts[i]`. `obs[i]` is not required to be from the timestep preceding `obs[i+1]`. """ acts: np.ndarray """Actions. Shape: (batch_size,) + action_shape.""" infos: np.ndarray """Array of info dicts. Shape: (batch_size,).""" def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns number of transitions. Always positive.""" return len(self.obs) def __post_init__(self): """Performs input validation: check shapes & dtypes match docstring. Also make array values read-only. Raises: ValueError: if batch size (array length) is inconsistent between `obs`, `acts` and `infos`. """ for val in vars(self).values(): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): val.setflags(write=False) if len(self.obs) != len(self.acts): raise ValueError( "obs and acts must have same number of timesteps: " f"{len(self.obs)} != {len(self.acts)}", ) if len(self.infos) != len(self.obs): raise ValueError( "obs and infos must have same number of timesteps: " f"{len(self.obs)} != {len(self.infos)}", ) # TODO(adam): uncomment below once pytype bug fixed in # issue # @overload # def __getitem__(self: T, key: slice) -> T: # pass # pragma: no cover # # @overload # def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Mapping[str, np.ndarray]: # pass # pragma: no cover @overload def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Mapping[str, np.ndarray]: pass @overload def __getitem__(self: TransitionsMinimalSelf, key: slice) -> TransitionsMinimalSelf: pass def __getitem__(self, key): """See TransitionsMinimal docstring for indexing and slicing semantics.""" d = dataclass_quick_asdict(self) d_item = {k: v[key] for k, v in d.items()} if isinstance(key, slice): # Return type is the same as this dataclass. Replace field value with # slices. return dataclasses.replace(self, **d_item) else: assert isinstance(key, int) # Return type is a dictionary. Array values have no batch dimension. # # Dictionary of np.ndarray values is a convenient # return type, as a # taking in this `Dataset` as its first argument knows how to # automatically concatenate several dictionaries together to make # a single dictionary batch with `torch.Tensor` values. return d_item
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Transitions(TransitionsMinimal): """A batch of obs-act-obs-done transitions.""" next_obs: Observation """New observation. Shape: (batch_size, ) + observation_shape. The i'th observation `next_obs[i]` in this array is the observation after the agent has taken action `acts[i]`. Invariants: * `next_obs.dtype == obs.dtype` * `len(next_obs) == len(obs)` """ dones: np.ndarray """ Boolean array indicating episode termination. Shape: (batch_size, ). `done[i]` is true iff `next_obs[i]` the last observation of an episode. """ def __post_init__(self): """Performs input validation: check shapes & dtypes match docstring.""" super().__post_init__() if self.obs.shape != self.next_obs.shape: raise ValueError( "obs and next_obs must have same shape: " f"{self.obs.shape} != {self.next_obs.shape}", ) if self.obs.dtype != self.next_obs.dtype: raise ValueError( "obs and next_obs must have the same dtype: " f"{self.obs.dtype} != {self.next_obs.dtype}", ) if self.dones.shape != (len(self.acts),): raise ValueError( "dones must be 1D array, one entry for each timestep: " f"{self.dones.shape} != ({len(self.acts)},)", ) if self.dones.dtype != bool: raise ValueError(f"dones must be boolean, not {self.dones.dtype}")
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class TransitionsWithRew(Transitions): """A batch of obs-act-obs-rew-done transitions.""" rews: np.ndarray """ Reward. Shape: (batch_size, ). dtype float. The reward `rew[i]` at the i'th timestep is received after the agent has taken action `acts[i]`. """ def __post_init__(self): """Performs input validation, including for rews.""" super().__post_init__() _rews_validation(self.rews, self.acts)