Source code for imitation.policies.exploration_wrapper

"""Wrapper to turn a policy into a more exploratory version."""

from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3.common import vec_env

from import rollout
from imitation.util import util

[docs]class ExplorationWrapper: """Wraps a PolicyCallable to create a partially randomized version. This wrapper randomly switches between two policies: the wrapped policy, and a random one. After each action, the current policy is kept with a certain probability. Otherwise, one of these two policies is chosen at random (without any dependence on what the current policy is). The random policy uses the `action_space.sample()` method. """
[docs] def __init__( self, policy: rollout.AnyPolicy, venv: vec_env.VecEnv, random_prob: float, switch_prob: float, rng: np.random.Generator, deterministic_policy: bool = False, ): """Initializes the ExplorationWrapper. Args: policy: The policy to randomize. venv: The environment to use (needed for sampling random actions). random_prob: The probability of picking the random policy when switching. switch_prob: The probability of switching away from the current policy. rng: The random state to use for seeding the environment and for switching policies. deterministic_policy: Whether to make the policy deterministic when not exploring. This must be False when ``policy`` is a ``PolicyCallable``. """ policy_callable = rollout.policy_to_callable(policy, venv, deterministic_policy) self.wrapped_policy = policy_callable self.random_prob = random_prob self.switch_prob = switch_prob self.venv = venv self.rng = rng seed = util.make_seeds(self.rng) self.venv.action_space.seed(seed) self.current_policy = policy_callable # Choose the initial policy at random self._switch()
def _random_policy( self, obs: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], state: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]], episode_start: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]]: del state, episode_start # Unused acts = [self.venv.action_space.sample() for _ in range(len(obs))] return np.stack(acts, axis=0), None def _switch(self) -> None: """Pick a new policy at random.""" if self.rng.random() < self.random_prob: self.current_policy = self._random_policy else: self.current_policy = self.wrapped_policy def __call__( self, observation: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], input_state: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]], episode_start: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]]: del episode_start # Unused if input_state is not None: # This checks that we aren't passed a state raise ValueError("Exploration wrapper does not support stateful policies.") acts, output_state = self.current_policy(observation, None, None) if output_state is not None: # This checks that the policy doesn't return a state raise ValueError("Exploration wrapper does not support stateful policies.") if self.rng.random() < self.switch_prob: self._switch() return acts, None