Source code for imitation.rewards.serialize

"""Load serialized reward functions of different types."""

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import torch as th
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecEnv

from imitation.rewards import reward_function, reward_nets
from imitation.util import registry, util

# TODO(sam): I suspect this whole file can be replaced with th.load calls. Try
# that refactoring once I have things running.

RewardFnLoaderFn = Callable[[str, VecEnv], reward_function.RewardFn]

reward_registry: registry.Registry[RewardFnLoaderFn] = registry.Registry()

[docs]class ValidateRewardFn(reward_function.RewardFn): """Wrap reward function to add sanity check. Checks that the length of the reward vector is equal to the batch size of the input. """
[docs] def __init__( self, reward_fn: reward_function.RewardFn, ) -> None: """Builds the reward validator. Args: reward_fn: base reward function """ super().__init__() self.reward_fn = reward_fn
def __call__( self, state: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, next_state: np.ndarray, done: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: rew = self.reward_fn(state, action, next_state, done) assert rew.shape == (len(state),) return rew
def _strip_wrappers( reward_net: reward_nets.RewardNet, wrapper_types: Iterable[Type[reward_nets.RewardNetWrapper]], ) -> reward_nets.RewardNet: """Attempts to remove provided wrappers. Strips wrappers of type `wrapper_type` from `reward_net` in order until either the wrapper type to remove does not match the type of net or there are no more wrappers to remove. Args: reward_net: an instance of a reward network that may be wrapped wrapper_types: an iterable of wrapper types in the order they should be removed Returns: The reward network with the listed wrappers removed """ for wrapper_type in wrapper_types: assert issubclass( wrapper_type, reward_nets.RewardNetWrapper, ), f"trying to remove non-wrapper type {wrapper_type}" if isinstance(reward_net, wrapper_type): reward_net = reward_net.base else: break return reward_net def _make_functional( net: reward_nets.RewardNet, attr: str = "predict", default_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> reward_function.RewardFn: if default_kwargs is None: default_kwargs = {} default_kwargs.update(kwargs) return lambda *args: getattr(net, attr)(*args, **default_kwargs) WrapperPrefix = Sequence[Type[reward_nets.RewardNet]] def _prefix_matches(wrappers: Sequence[Type[Any]], prefix: Sequence[Type[Any]]) -> bool: """Return true if `prefix` is a prefix of `wrappers`.""" # Base cases if len(prefix) == 0: # If we run out of prefix before running out of wrappers return True elif len(wrappers) == 0: # If we run out of wrappers before we run out of prefix return False prefix_head, *prefix_tail = prefix wrappers_head, *wrappers_tail = wrappers if not issubclass(wrappers_head, prefix_head): return False return _prefix_matches(wrappers_tail, prefix_tail) def _validate_wrapper_structure( reward_net: Union[reward_nets.RewardNet, reward_nets.RewardNetWrapper], prefixes: Iterable[WrapperPrefix], ) -> reward_nets.RewardNet: """Reward net if it has a valid structure. A wrapper prefix specifies, from outermost to innermost, which wrappers must be present. If any of the wrapper prefixes match then the RewardNet is considered valid. Args: reward_net: net to test prefixes: A list of acceptable wrapper prefixes. Returns: the reward_net if it is valid Raises: TypeError: if the wrapper structure is not valid with a useful message. >>> class RewardNetA(RewardNet): ... def forward(*args): ... pass >>> class WrapperB(RewardNetWrapper): ... def forward(*args): ... pass >>> reward_net = RewardNetA(None, None) >>> reward_net = WrapperB(reward_net) >>> assert isinstance(reward_net.base, RewardNet) >>> reward_net == _validate_wrapper_structure(reward_net, [[WrapperB, RewardNetA]])) True """ wrapper = reward_net wrappers = [] while hasattr(wrapper, "base"): wrappers.append(wrapper.__class__) wrapper = cast(reward_nets.RewardNet, wrapper.base) wrappers.append(wrapper.__class__) # append the final reward net if any(_prefix_matches(wrappers, prefix) for prefix in prefixes): return reward_net # Otherwise provide a useful error formatted_prefixes = [ "[" + ",".join(t.__name__ for t in prefix) + "]" for prefix in prefixes ] formatted_wrapper_structure = "[" + ",".join(t.__name__ for t in wrappers) + "]" raise TypeError( "Wrapper structure should" + " match " + " or ".join(formatted_prefixes) + " but found " + formatted_wrapper_structure, )
[docs]def load_zero(path: str, venv: VecEnv) -> reward_function.RewardFn: del path, venv def f( state: np.ndarray, action: np.ndarray, next_state: np.ndarray, done: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: del action, next_state, done # Unused. return np.zeros(state.shape[0]) return f
# TODO(adam): I think we can get rid of this and have just one RewardNet. reward_registry.register( key="RewardNet_shaped", value=lambda path, _, **kwargs: ValidateRewardFn( _make_functional( _validate_wrapper_structure( th.load(str(path)), {(reward_nets.ShapedRewardNet,)}, ), ), ), ) reward_registry.register( key="RewardNet_unshaped", value=lambda path, _, **kwargs: ValidateRewardFn( _make_functional( _strip_wrappers(th.load(str(path)), (reward_nets.ShapedRewardNet,)), ), ), ) reward_registry.register( key="RewardNet_normalized", value=lambda path, _, **kwargs: ValidateRewardFn( _make_functional( _validate_wrapper_structure( th.load(str(path)), {(reward_nets.NormalizedRewardNet,)}, ), attr="predict_processed", default_kwargs={"update_stats": False}, **kwargs, ), ), ) reward_registry.register( key="RewardNet_unnormalized", value=lambda path, _, **kwargs: ValidateRewardFn( _make_functional( _strip_wrappers(th.load(str(path)), (reward_nets.NormalizedRewardNet,)), ), ), ) reward_registry.register( key="RewardNet_std_added", value=lambda path, _, **kwargs: ValidateRewardFn( _make_functional( _strip_wrappers( _validate_wrapper_structure( th.load(str(path)), { (reward_nets.AddSTDRewardWrapper,), ( reward_nets.NormalizedRewardNet, reward_nets.AddSTDRewardWrapper, ), }, ), (reward_nets.NormalizedRewardNet,), ), attr="predict_processed", default_kwargs={}, **kwargs, ), ), ) reward_registry.register(key="zero", value=load_zero)
[docs]@util.docstring_parameter(reward_types=", ".join(reward_registry.keys())) def load_reward( reward_type: str, reward_path: str, venv: VecEnv, **kwargs: Any, ) -> reward_function.RewardFn: """Load serialized reward. Args: reward_type: A key in `reward_registry`. Valid types include {reward_types}. reward_path: A path specifying the reward. venv: An environment that the policy is to be used with. **kwargs: kwargs to pass to reward fn Returns: The deserialized reward. """ reward_loader = reward_registry.get(reward_type) return reward_loader(reward_path, venv, **kwargs)