Source code for imitation.scripts.ingredients.demonstrations

"""This ingredient provides (expert) demonstrations to learn from.

The demonstrations are either loaded from disk, from the HuggingFace Dataset Hub, or
sampled from the expert policy provided by the expert ingredient.

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence

import datasets
import huggingface_sb3 as hfsb3
import numpy as np
import sacred

from import huggingface_utils, rollout, serialize, types
from imitation.scripts.ingredients import environment, expert
from imitation.scripts.ingredients import logging as logging_ingredient

demonstrations_ingredient = sacred.Ingredient(
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def config():
    # Either "local" or "huggingface" or "generated".
    source = "generated"

    # local path or huggingface repo id to load rollouts from.
    path = None

    # passed to `datasets.load_dataset` if `source` is "huggingface"
    loader_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(

    # Used to deduce HuggingFace repo id if `path` is None
    organization = "HumanCompatibleAI"

    # Used to deduce HuggingFace repo id if `path` is None
    algo_name = "ppo"

    # Num demos used or sampled. None loads every demo possible.
    n_expert_demos = None
    locals()  # quieten flake8

def fast():
    # Note: we can't pick `n_expert_demos=1` here because for envs with short episodes
    #   that does not generate the minimum number of transitions required for one batch.
    n_expert_demos = 10  # noqa: F841

[docs]@demonstrations_ingredient.capture def get_expert_trajectories( source: str, path: str, ) -> Sequence[types.Trajectory]: """Loads expert demonstrations. Args: source: Can be either `local` to load rollouts from the disk, `huggingface` to load from the HuggingFace hub or `generated` to generate the expert trajectories. path: A path containing a pickled sequence of `sources.Trajectory`. Returns: The expert trajectories. Raises: ValueError: if `source` is not in ["local", "huggingface", "generated"]. """ if source == "local": if path is None: raise ValueError( "When source is 'local', path must be set.", ) return _constrain_number_of_demos(serialize.load(path)) if source == "huggingface": return _constrain_number_of_demos(_download_expert_rollouts()) if source == "generated": if path is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring path when source is 'generated'") return _generate_expert_trajs() raise ValueError( "`source` can either be `local` or `huggingface` or `generated`.", )
@demonstrations_ingredient.capture def _constrain_number_of_demos( demos: Sequence[types.Trajectory], n_expert_demos: Optional[int], ) -> Sequence[types.Trajectory]: """Constrains the number of demonstrations to n_expert_demos if it is not None.""" if n_expert_demos is None: return demos else: if len(demos) < n_expert_demos: raise ValueError( f"Want to use n_expert_demos={n_expert_demos} trajectories, but only " f"{len(demos)} are available.", ) if len(demos) > n_expert_demos: logger.warning( f"Using only the first {n_expert_demos} trajectories out of " f"{len(demos)} available.", ) return demos[:n_expert_demos] else: return demos @demonstrations_ingredient.capture def _generate_expert_trajs( n_expert_demos: Optional[int], _rnd: np.random.Generator, ) -> Optional[Sequence[types.Trajectory]]: """Generates expert demonstrations. Args: n_expert_demos: The number of trajectories to load. Dataset is truncated to this length if specified. _rnd: Random number generator provided by Sacred. Returns: The expert trajectories. Raises: ValueError: If n_expert_demos is None. """ if n_expert_demos is None: raise ValueError("n_expert_demos must be specified when generating demos.")"Generating {n_expert_demos} expert trajectories") with environment.make_rollout_venv() as env: # type: ignore[wrong-arg-count] return rollout.rollout( expert.get_expert_policy(env), env, rollout.make_sample_until(min_episodes=n_expert_demos), rng=_rnd, ) @demonstrations_ingredient.capture def _download_expert_rollouts( environment: Dict[str, Any], path: Optional[str], organization: Optional[str], algo_name: Optional[str], loader_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ): if path is not None: repo_id = path else: model_name = hfsb3.ModelName( algo_name, hfsb3.EnvironmentName(environment["gym_id"]), ) repo_id = hfsb3.ModelRepoId(organization, model_name)"Loading expert trajectories from {repo_id}") dataset = datasets.load_dataset(repo_id, **loader_kwargs) return huggingface_utils.TrajectoryDatasetSequence(dataset)