Source code for imitation.scripts.ingredients.logging

"""This ingredient provides a number of logging utilities.

It is responsible for logging to WandB, TensorBoard, and stdout.
It will also create a symlink to the sacred logging directory in the log directory.

import logging
import pathlib
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union

import huggingface_sb3 as hfsb3
import sacred

from imitation.scripts.ingredients import environment, wb
from imitation.util import logger as imit_logger
from imitation.util import sacred as sacred_util
from imitation.util import util

logging_ingredient = sacred.Ingredient(
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def config():
    # Logging
    log_root = None
    log_dir = None
    log_level = logging.INFO
    log_format_strs = ["tensorboard", "stdout"]
    # The keys of log_format_strs_additional are concatenated to log_format_strs.
    # This allows named configs to add format strings, without changing the defaults.
    log_format_strs_additional = {}

    locals()  # silence flake8 unused variable warning

def update_log_format_strs(log_format_strs, log_format_strs_additional):
    log_format_strs = log_format_strs + list(log_format_strs_additional.keys())

[docs]@logging_ingredient.config_hook def hook(config, command_name: str, logger): del logger updates = {} if config["logging"]["log_dir"] is None: config_log_root = config["logging"]["log_root"] or "output" log_root = util.parse_path(config_log_root) env_sanitized = hfsb3.EnvironmentName(config["environment"]["gym_id"]) assert isinstance(env_sanitized, str) log_dir = log_root / command_name / env_sanitized / util.make_unique_timestamp() updates["log_dir"] = log_dir return updates
@logging_ingredient.named_config def wandb_logging(): log_format_strs_additional = {"wandb": None} # noqa: F841
[docs]@logging_ingredient.capture def make_log_dir( _run, log_dir: str, log_level: Union[int, str], ) -> pathlib.Path: """Creates log directory and sets up symlink to Sacred logs. Args: log_dir: The directory to log to. log_level: The threshold of the logger. Either an integer level (10, 20, ...), a string of digits ('10', '20'), or a string of the designated level ('DEBUG', 'INFO', ...). Returns: The `log_dir`. This avoids the caller needing to capture this argument. """ parsed_log_dir = util.parse_path(log_dir) parsed_log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # convert strings of digits to numbers; but leave levels like 'INFO' unmodified try: log_level = int(log_level) except ValueError: pass logging.basicConfig(level=log_level)"Logging to %s", parsed_log_dir) sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(parsed_log_dir, _run) return parsed_log_dir
[docs]@logging_ingredient.capture def setup_logging( _run, log_format_strs: Sequence[str], ) -> Tuple[imit_logger.HierarchicalLogger, pathlib.Path]: """Builds the imitation logger. Args: log_format_strs: The types of formats to log to. Returns: The configured imitation logger and `log_dir`. Returning `log_dir` avoids the caller needing to capture this value. """ log_dir = make_log_dir() if "wandb" in log_format_strs: wb.wandb_init(log_dir=str(log_dir)) custom_logger = imit_logger.configure( folder=log_dir / "log", format_strs=log_format_strs, ) return custom_logger, log_dir