Source code for imitation.scripts.ingredients.rl

"""This ingredient provides a reinforcement learning algorithm from stable-baselines3.

The algorithm instance is either freshly constructed or loaded from a file.

import logging
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Type

import sacred
import stable_baselines3 as sb3
from stable_baselines3.common import (

from imitation.policies import serialize
from imitation.policies.replay_buffer_wrapper import ReplayBufferRewardWrapper
from imitation.rewards.reward_function import RewardFn
from imitation.scripts.ingredients import logging as logging_ingredient
from imitation.scripts.ingredients.policy import policy_ingredient

rl_ingredient = sacred.Ingredient(
    ingredients=[policy_ingredient, logging_ingredient.logging_ingredient],
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def config():
    rl_cls = None
    batch_size = None
    rl_kwargs = dict()
    locals()  # quieten flake8

[docs]@rl_ingredient.config_hook def config_hook(config, command_name, logger): """Sets defaults equivalent to sb3.PPO default hyperparameters. This hook is a no-op if command_name is "sqil" (used only in train_imitation), which has its own config hook. Args: config: Sacred config dict. command_name: Sacred command name. logger: Sacred logger. Returns: config: Updated Sacred config dict. """ del logger res = {} if config["rl"]["rl_cls"] is None and command_name != "sqil": res["rl_cls"] = sb3.PPO res["batch_size"] = 2048 # rl_kwargs["n_steps"] = batch_size // venv.num_envs res["rl_kwargs"] = dict( learning_rate=3e-4, batch_size=64, n_epochs=10, ent_coef=0.0, ) return res
@rl_ingredient.named_config def fast(): batch_size = 2 rl_kwargs = dict( # SB3 RL seems to need batch size of 2, otherwise it runs into numeric # issues when computing multinomial distribution during predict() batch_size=2, # Setting n_epochs=1 speeds up thing a lot n_epochs=1, ) locals() # quieten flake8 @rl_ingredient.named_config def sac(): # For recommended SAC hyperparams in each environment, see: # rl_cls = sb3.SAC warnings.warn( "SAC currently only supports continuous action spaces. " "Consider adding a discrete version as mentioned here: " "", category=RuntimeWarning, ) # Default HPs are as follows: batch_size = 256 # batch size for RL algorithm rl_kwargs = dict(batch_size=None) # make sure to set batch size to None locals() # quieten flake8 def _maybe_add_relabel_buffer( rl_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], relabel_reward_fn: Optional[RewardFn] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Use ReplayBufferRewardWrapper in rl_kwargs if relabel_reward_fn is not None.""" rl_kwargs = dict(rl_kwargs) if relabel_reward_fn: _buffer_kwargs = dict(reward_fn=relabel_reward_fn) _buffer_kwargs["replay_buffer_class"] = rl_kwargs.get( "replay_buffer_class", buffers.ReplayBuffer, ) rl_kwargs["replay_buffer_class"] = ReplayBufferRewardWrapper if "replay_buffer_kwargs" in rl_kwargs: _buffer_kwargs.update(rl_kwargs["replay_buffer_kwargs"]) rl_kwargs["replay_buffer_kwargs"] = _buffer_kwargs return rl_kwargs
[docs]@rl_ingredient.capture def make_rl_algo( venv: vec_env.VecEnv, rl_cls: Type[base_class.BaseAlgorithm], batch_size: int, rl_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], policy: Mapping[str, Any], _seed: int, relabel_reward_fn: Optional[RewardFn] = None, ) -> base_class.BaseAlgorithm: """Instantiates a Stable Baselines3 RL algorithm. Args: venv: The vectorized environment to train on. rl_cls: Type of a Stable Baselines3 RL algorithm. batch_size: The batch size of the RL algorithm. rl_kwargs: Keyword arguments for RL algorithm constructor. policy: Configuration for the policy ingredient. We need the policy_cls and policy_kwargs component. relabel_reward_fn: Reward function used for reward relabeling in replay or rollout buffers of RL algorithms. Returns: The RL algorithm. Raises: ValueError: `gen_batch_size` not divisible by `venv.num_envs`. TypeError: `rl_cls` is neither `OnPolicyAlgorithm` nor `OffPolicyAlgorithm`. """ if batch_size % venv.num_envs != 0: raise ValueError( f"num_envs={venv.num_envs} must evenly divide batch_size={batch_size}.", ) rl_kwargs = dict(rl_kwargs) # TODO: this is a hack and an indicator that the rl ingredient should be refactored if rl_cls == sb3.SAC: del rl_kwargs["n_epochs"] # If on-policy, collect `batch_size` many timesteps each update. # If off-policy, train on `batch_size` many timesteps each update. # These are different notion of batches, but this seems the closest # possible translation, and I would expect the appropriate hyperparameter # to be similar between them. if issubclass(rl_cls, on_policy_algorithm.OnPolicyAlgorithm): assert "n_steps" not in rl_kwargs, ( "set 'n_steps' at top-level using 'batch_size'. " "n_steps = batch_size // num_vec" ) rl_kwargs["n_steps"] = batch_size // venv.num_envs elif issubclass(rl_cls, off_policy_algorithm.OffPolicyAlgorithm): if rl_kwargs.get("batch_size") is not None: raise ValueError("set 'batch_size' at top-level") rl_kwargs["batch_size"] = batch_size rl_kwargs = _maybe_add_relabel_buffer( rl_kwargs=rl_kwargs, relabel_reward_fn=relabel_reward_fn, ) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported RL algorithm '{rl_cls}'") rl_algo = rl_cls( policy=policy["policy_cls"], # Note(yawen): Copy `policy_kwargs` as SB3 may mutate the config we pass. # In particular, policy_kwargs["use_sde"] may be changed in rl_cls.__init__() # for certain algorithms, such as Soft Actor Critic. See: # policy_kwargs=dict(policy["policy_kwargs"]), env=venv, seed=_seed, **rl_kwargs, )"RL algorithm: {type(rl_algo)}")"Policy network summary:\n {rl_algo.policy}") return rl_algo
[docs]@rl_ingredient.capture def load_rl_algo_from_path( _seed: int, agent_path: str, venv: vec_env.VecEnv, rl_cls: Type[base_class.BaseAlgorithm], rl_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], relabel_reward_fn: Optional[RewardFn] = None, ) -> base_class.BaseAlgorithm: rl_kwargs = dict(rl_kwargs) # TODO: this is a hack and an indicator that the rl ingredient should be refactored if rl_cls == sb3.SAC: del rl_kwargs["n_epochs"] if issubclass(rl_cls, off_policy_algorithm.OffPolicyAlgorithm): rl_kwargs = _maybe_add_relabel_buffer( rl_kwargs=rl_kwargs, relabel_reward_fn=relabel_reward_fn, ) agent = serialize.load_stable_baselines_model( cls=rl_cls, path=agent_path, venv=venv, seed=_seed, **rl_kwargs, )"Warm starting agent from '{agent_path}'")"RL algorithm: {type(agent)}")"Policy network summary:\n {agent.policy}") return agent