Source code for imitation.scripts.parallel

"""Runs a Sacred experiment in parallel."""

import copy
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Sequence

import ray
import ray.tune
import sacred
from ray.tune import search
from import optuna
from sacred.observers import FileStorageObserver

from imitation.scripts.config.parallel import parallel_ex

[docs]@parallel_ex.main def parallel( sacred_ex_name: str, run_name: str, num_samples: int, search_space: Mapping[str, Any], base_named_configs: Sequence[str], base_config_updates: Mapping[str, Any], resources_per_trial: Mapping[str, Any], init_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], repeat: int, experiment_checkpoint_path: str, tune_run_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> ray.tune.ExperimentAnalysis: """Parallelize multiple runs of another Sacred Experiment using Ray Tune. A Sacred FileObserver is attached to the inner experiment and writes Sacred logs to "{RAY_LOCAL_DIR}/sacred/". These files are automatically copied over to `upload_dir` if that argument is provided in `tune_run_kwargs`. Args: sacred_ex_name: The Sacred experiment to tune. Either "train_rl", "train_imitation", "train_adversarial" or "train_preference_comparisons". run_name: A name describing this parallelizing experiment. This argument is also passed to `` as the `name` argument. It is also saved in 'sacred/run.json' of each inner Sacred experiment under the '' key. This is equivalent to using the Sacred CLI '--name' option on the inner experiment. Offline analysis jobs can use this argument to group similar data. num_samples: Number of times to sample from the hyperparameter space without considering repetition using `repeat`. search_space: A dictionary which can contain Ray Tune search objects like `ray.tune.grid_search` and `ray.tune.sample_from`, and is passed as the `config` argument to ``. After the `search_space` is transformed by Ray, it passed into `**run_kwargs)` as `run_kwargs` (`sacred_ex` is the Sacred Experiment selected via `sacred_ex_name`). Usually `search_space` only has the keys "named_configs" and "config_updates", but any parameter names to `` are okay. base_named_configs: Default Sacred named configs. Any named configs taken from `search_space` are higher priority than the base_named_configs. Concretely, this priority is implemented by appending named configs taken from `search_space` to the run's named configs after `base_named_configs`. Named configs in `base_named_configs` don't appear in the automatically generated Ray directory name, unlike named configs from `search_space`. base_config_updates: Default Sacred config updates. Any config updates taken from `search_space` are higher priority than `base_config_updates`. Config updates in `base_config_updates` don't appear in the automatically generated Ray directory name, unlike config updates from `search_space`. resources_per_trial: Argument to ``. init_kwargs: Arguments to pass to `ray.init`. repeat: Number of runs to repeat each trial for. If `repeat` > 1, then optuna is used as the default search algorithm unless specified otherwise in `tune_run_kwargs`. experiment_checkpoint_path: Path containing the checkpoints of a previous experiment ran using this script. Useful for evaluating the best trial of the experiment. tune_run_kwargs: Other arguments to pass to ``. Raises: TypeError: Named configs not string sequences or config updates not mappings. ValueError: `repeat` > 1 but `search_alg` is not an instance of ``. Returns: The result of running the parallel experiment with ``. Useful for fetching the configs and results dataframe of all the trials. """ # Basic validation for config options before we enter parallel jobs. if not isinstance(base_named_configs, raise TypeError("base_named_configs must be a Sequence") if not isinstance(base_config_updates, raise TypeError("base_config_updates must be a Mapping") if not isinstance(search_space["named_configs"], raise TypeError('search_space["named_configs"] must be a Sequence') if not isinstance(search_space["config_updates"], raise TypeError('search_space["config_updates"] must be a Mapping') # Convert Sacred's ReadOnlyList to List because not picklable. base_named_configs = list(base_named_configs) # Convert Sacred's ReadOnlyDict (and recursively convert ReadOnlyContainer values) # to regular python variants because not picklable. base_config_updates = copy.deepcopy(base_config_updates) search_space = copy.deepcopy(search_space) trainable = _ray_tune_sacred_wrapper( sacred_ex_name, run_name, base_named_configs, base_config_updates, ) ray.init(**init_kwargs) updated_tune_run_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(tune_run_kwargs) if repeat > 1: try: # Use optuna as the default search algorithm for repeat runs. algo = tune_run_kwargs.get("search_alg", optuna.OptunaSearch()) updated_tune_run_kwargs["search_alg"] = search.Repeater(algo, repeat) except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError( "repeat > 1 but search_alg is not an instance of " "", ) from e if sacred_ex_name == "train_rl": return_key = "monitor_return_mean" else: return_key = "imit_stats/monitor_return_mean" try: if experiment_checkpoint_path: result = ray.tune.ExperimentAnalysis(experiment_checkpoint_path) else: result = trainable, config=search_space, num_samples=num_samples * repeat, name=run_name, resources_per_trial=resources_per_trial, metric=return_key, mode="max", **updated_tune_run_kwargs, ) return result finally: ray.shutdown()
def _ray_tune_sacred_wrapper( sacred_ex_name: str, run_name: str, base_named_configs: list, base_config_updates: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Any], Mapping[str, Any]]: """From an Experiment build a wrapped run function suitable for Ray Tune. `` expects a trainable function that takes a dict argument `config`. The wrapped function uses `config` as keyword args for `` because we want to be able to hyperparameter tune over both the `named_configs` and `config_updates` arguments. The Ray Tune `reporter` is not passed to the inner experiment. Args: sacred_ex_name: The Sacred experiment to tune. Either "train_rl" or "train_adversarial". run_name: A name describing this parallelizing experiment. This argument is also passed to `` as the `name` argument. It is also saved in 'sacred/run.json' of each inner Sacred experiment under the '' key. This is equivalent to using the Sacred CLI '--name' option on the inner experiment. Offline analysis jobs can use this argument to group similar data. base_named_configs: Default Sacred named configs. Any named configs taken from `search_space` are higher priority than the base_named_configs. Concretely, this priority is implemented by appending named configs taken from `search_space` to the run's named configs after `base_named_configs`. Named configs in `base_named_configs` don't appear in the automatically generated Ray directory name, unlike named configs from `search_space`. base_config_updates: Default Sacred config updates. Any config updates taken from `search_space` are higher priority than `base_config_updates`. Config updates in `base_config_updates` don't appear in the automatically generated Ray directory name, unlike config updates from `search_space`. Returns: A function that takes two arguments, `config` (used as keyword args for ``) and `reporter`. The function returns the run result. """ def inner(config: Mapping[str, Any], reporter) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Trainable function with the correct signature for `ray.tune`. Args: config: Keyword arguments for ``, where `ex` is the `sacred.Experiment` instance associated with `sacred_ex_name`. reporter: Callback to report progress to Ray. Returns: Result from `ray.Run` object. """ # Set Sacred capture mode to "sys" because default "fd" option leads to error. # See # TODO(shwang): Stop modifying CAPTURE_MODE once the issue is fixed. sacred.SETTINGS.CAPTURE_MODE = "sys" run_kwargs = dict(**config) updated_run_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Import inside function rather than in module because Sacred experiments # are not picklable, and Ray requires this function to be picklable. from imitation.scripts.train_adversarial import train_adversarial_ex from imitation.scripts.train_imitation import train_imitation_ex from imitation.scripts.train_preference_comparisons import ( train_preference_comparisons_ex, ) from imitation.scripts.train_rl import train_rl_ex experiments = { "train_rl": train_rl_ex, "train_adversarial": train_adversarial_ex, "train_imitation": train_imitation_ex, "train_preference_comparisons": train_preference_comparisons_ex, } ex = experiments[sacred_ex_name] # Apply base configs to get modified `named_configs` and `config_updates`. named_configs = base_named_configs + run_kwargs["named_configs"] updated_run_kwargs["named_configs"] = named_configs config_updates: Dict[str, Any] = {} config_updates.update(base_config_updates) config_updates.update(run_kwargs["config_updates"]) # for repeat runs, set the seed using their trial index if "__trial_index__" in run_kwargs: config_updates.update(seed=run_kwargs.pop("__trial_index__")) updated_run_kwargs["config_updates"] = config_updates # Add other run_kwargs items to updated_run_kwargs. for k, v in run_kwargs.items(): if k not in updated_run_kwargs: updated_run_kwargs[k] = v run = **updated_run_kwargs, options={"--run": run_name, "--file_storage": "sacred"}, ) assert run.status == "COMPLETED" return run.result return inner
[docs]def main_console(): observer_path = pathlib.Path.cwd() / "output" / "sacred" / "parallel" observer = FileStorageObserver(observer_path) parallel_ex.observers.append(observer) parallel_ex.run_commandline()
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main_console()